Look, I am very anti-Trump, and while I am still very firm in my "Trump and everyone in his orbit can absotutely go to hell" both metaphorically and physically, but even I had to admit:
and you just know there's some low level grunt of a campaign employee who's probably there on an internship, now basically locked into only ever working for Republicans because if they ever acknowledge it as anything other than an oversight it would be considered such a monumental fuckup they'd be unemployable for anyone on the planet.
and this is already after they had (at least) both Trump and Donnie Jr. making repeated statements live and recorded that Trump has had absolutely never had anything to do with Epstein in any way (which was already false, but now you have this right on top of that)
Practically speaking there's 0 chance Trump was directly involved in deciding to pay for this specific jet, but that doesn't make it any less damning for him
(absolutely no candidate is going out of their way to personally make sure any specific plane is involved in their campaign, that's a level if micromanaging that just doesn't exist)