2 months ago
[Warning for talking about a rabies encounter, I am fine]
latest #24
2 months ago
Been in a state of panic since last evening because I came across a chipmunk acting very strangely yesterday on my walk
2 months ago
It was acting dazed, like it didn't know where it was or where it was going. When I came close to it, it just went completely still on the sidewalk
2 months ago
I was at least smart enough not to touch it directly-- I found a nearby stick and poked at it. Still wouldn't move. I couldn't even see it breathing. Perfectly still.
2 months ago
I was able to observe it closely and I saw no signs of injury or trauma. It looked healthy aside from it's behavior (although it was kind of small and not fluffy, maybe it was a juvenile). No erratic movements, no aggression, no seizure-like movements or drooling.
2 months ago
Just dazed and confused, like it had been hit very hard in the head.
2 months ago
After about a minute of observation, it slowly made its way across the street. I followed it. It unfortunately fell into a runoff sewer (covered by a grate) and that was the last I saw of it.
2 months ago
My instinct is that it endured some kind of blunt force trauma, had a neurological pathogen, or maybe got into some rodent poison.
2 months ago
I contacted my PCP about it since all internet resources I found said to talk to your doctor
Unlikely to be rabies. Chipmunks and the like very rarely contact rabies and have never been known to transmit it to a human
2 months ago
I spoke to a nurse about it over the phone and they were not immediately concerned but said that they would have the doctor double check to be 100% sure
2 months ago
Mosasaurus: yeah that's what I read online! but even then all those sites said to talk to a doctor so that is what I have done
2 months ago
I realize now it was stupid to get close but I have a heart for chipmunks. we leave them offerings of peanuts or strawberries on our front porch from time to time and it is fun to watch them enjoy them
2 months ago
they're very cute
2 months ago
But man last night (because it was too late to call my doctor) I was definitely flipping the fuck out
2 months ago
gotta love having contamination based OCD, but still being too stupid to stay the hell away from weird animals!
2 months ago
yeah honestly I'd say probably just got hit by a car or something :/ still it's understandable to be worried!
2 months ago
Kanetsugu: yeah, and literally only 1 chipmunk was found to actually have rabies from like... 1995-2010. It probably fell or got hit or ate poison. and I didn't touch it, so
2 months ago
doctor called back and said as long as here was no direct contact it will be fine
Yeah... pretty sure rabies requires some actual direct physical contact to be transmitted.
2 months ago
sailorgundam06: you have to get still-wet saliva in a wound or mucous membrane
2 months ago
once the saliva dries it's no longer infectious
2 months ago
so technically, even touching a rabid animal's fur is not a true exposure
2 months ago
(or brain or spinal material, but of course that's only a problem if the animal is dead)
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