hilariously for reasons, I actually ship Alec/Steve Harrington now. It's so silly. idk. It happens
romantically? no. friends?
Still Chrissy and Robin. lol
lovedbythesun Yus, definitely friends. Peter might science-crush on her too.
I've accidentally fallen into shipping ST with Shadowhunters cross canon and it's working and I don't get why. But Steve's also the only one I'm logged in as now so chuckle
cornyflake Robin and Alec could be friendlies I think. And Peter and Chrissy could be cute.
SH has such defined ships, I think it's fun to toss them crosscanon and see what happens. There could be monster hunting and clueless flirting.
I feel like Chrissy and Peter would be one of those super cute couples that everyone loves but doesn't want to be around all the time because they're gross and lovey. lol Also Robin is happy to be the Gay Best Friend that gives the popular boy a bunch of shit. haha
omg come baby nerd she will science at you
exactly! Clueless flirting while monster hunt!
cornyflake Yes, they would be stupid cute and equally excitable and everyone is like "ten minutes tops."
....I feel like Peter and Edward could maybe have Something
Science bfs except Edward Elric’s version of science 100% looks like magic to Peter
ChurbooseAnon Yes, and then post life-threatening situation adreneline turns to make outs. Ooops
goodnonsense I'm mostly canonblind there, but I believe it. And Peter being charmed but frustrated by not understanding the "magic"
There are few makeouts that are quite like life-threatening situation adreneline high make outs
Exactly. And then the OMG did I do that.
yes. They did. So just keep doing it.
better than thinking about monsters
I am logged in as the cat that is Venom's spawn and the idea of meeting a young Peter but not quite that one would be interesting.
Sleeper is the best symbiote. They only eat the brains of people who truly deserve it.
Peter: my boyfriend is a sorceror
Edward: it’s not magic, it’s alchemy!!
Peter: Babe, if I can't understand it I'm calling it magic or I'll start to feel dumb.
Post spell Peter finds a cat in some place they're both using for shelter?
Gives it half of his food.
The cat shares their chocolate.
(And Peter probably freaks out the first time he sees Sleeper eating chocolate if he hasn't heard them talk yet.)
Edward’s gonna want to know the formula for the webbing
heh, probably. It's bad for kitties!
Peter would share it with his bf.
Get ready for a child prodigy alchemist to try to teach you alchemy too
Whereas Sleeper just secretly refills the web-shooters via their chemokinesis.
And!! Cause he’s cute, and also probably not planning to devote his life to the study of alchemy, he gets to skip the “abandoned in a remote area with a riddle to solve” step
It’s truuuue, he’s gonna make for an excellent boyfriend
And by excellent I mean very awkward probably, during the time that he was supposed to be developing the ability to handle appropriate romantic social interactions with others his age, he was [checks notes] enlisted in the military, trying to restore his brother’s body and also save his country
But bonus! He has neat mechanical limbs for Peter to geek out over
lol. Surely that will overcome the rest