x2 — what do you like/dislike about my rp? and/or, have you ever stalked any of my threads?
latest #18
i have held off on doing this one the last several times it has come around because frankly i did not think i existed enough to warrant it but
i have actually been... doing the thing lately lmao
1 months ago
I mean yea I read your Laura threads bc I love how you write her
hey man straight up, she's my newest and the one i'm least confident in because she is Not My Usual Typecast so that is extremely reassuring to hear
i'm still at that stage where i'm like, am i even doing this right, wtf am i doing with my hands — but like amplified by a dozen because for the last decade+ i have only played middle aged men basically lmao
1 months ago
1 months ago
I get that, I don’t think I’ll ever be 100% sure I’m getting Bruce voice right even tho I’ve been writing him for. A decade lmao
my guy you absolutely nailin him, i have loved every tag, they've all been spot on
1 months ago
I enjoy vibing with different dynamics with urs, they've all been great fun i know you have a Type but I think you're also p versatile
1 months ago
tysm I really needed to hear that too
discontinued: aw thanks man, honestly thinking about it we really... do got a Variety of dynamics going on rn don't we
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
that's wild, when did that happen
ladybastet92: you are so welcome my friend
1 months ago
WE DO.... and your voice is always really strong and distinct, so even if there are crossover in characteristics I don't feel like any of your characters feel samey or anything
that is extremely good to hear
especially as the jack and dean pipeline begins to evolve and merge into crab
1 months ago
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