shifty & hooded
3 weeks ago
[running/violence (not to me)] so I apparently missed this by minutes this weekend 😬
latest #13
shifty & hooded
3 weeks ago
like, just missed it - I left that area maybe 30-40 minutes prior
shifty & hooded
3 weeks ago
I Can Never Let My Mother Know
why i otter
3 weeks ago
oh fuck
why i otter
3 weeks ago
hugs you tight
shifty & hooded
3 weeks ago
Ottergirl: /snugs
shifty & hooded
3 weeks ago
I had no idea anything had occurred until someone posted on the county subreddit asking what was up with the trail being taped off by cops
shifty & hooded
3 weeks ago
I saw absolutely nothing - and there were other people out there, it is not at all untrafficked (and has a lot of houses on one side of it for a fair length)
Oh fuck what
3 weeks ago
omg that's so awful and scary! very glad the woman attacked is in recovery and supremely glad you were not there when this happened
shifty & hooded
3 weeks ago
Meeeeee too!
shifty & hooded
3 weeks ago
it's weird though, I don't feel in danger from that location (cannot stress how chill and residential most of it is) and I guess? I'll still run it? It really is a good route for long runs on hot days because there's tree coverage
shifty & hooded
3 weeks ago
I don't think there are people lurking with guns it's just (unsure) idk
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