latest #66
i'm not procrastinating, you're procrastinating
Player 13, 14
13. What kind of characters do you like playing best?

depressed morons!
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
4 weeks ago @Edit 4 weeks ago
no i think i've got it kind of narrowed down to some combination of these traits:
-middle aged functional alcoholic
i think the only unifying factor that must exist is some variation of a loyalty kink
truly i am predictable and i choose not to examine what this says about me as a person
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
4 weeks ago @Edit 4 weeks ago
if there's an opportunity to make a lil jokey joke one minute and then delve face first into a level of codependent angst that makes u a little teary-eyed the next, that's my shit, that's my niche i think
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
4 weeks ago @Edit 4 weeks ago
14. What traits make a character unplayable to you?

man, i think like... ruining a character by bending their defining or redeeming qualities can really ruin it for me, like bellamy blake in season... was it 3? of the 100? they just really fucked up the thing that makes his flaws worth it, and i fully ignore that entire arc
i think i also don't like obnoxiously antagonistic characters that go around trying to dunk on people for no reason — like, sandor's mean, but he stays in his lane mostly and he balances it out a little with some other qualities. he's probably my limit in terms of needless unnecessary bitchiness
i don't know, i think i could short term NPC or cameo most characters easily enough and make it passable, there are very few that are outright unplayable at all to me, it's just a matter of whether or not i can get invested in them beyond a cameo to actually... play them properly
i generally like... most characters lol. i know some folks make a hobby of hating stuff, but i like liking things, i like liking characters. there aren't many i absolutely could not enjoy throwing into a scene for a minute or two
you know what, i take it back, the only thing truly unplayable for me is a certain brand of second-hand embarrassment. like truly embarrassing michael scott level characters i can't do, my Nope Meter is too strong for that kind of thing
but that's a different brand of humor than like jack being a socially awkward idiot sometimes or dean being kind of a dork, it's hard to describe but... yeah there's a line
4 weeks ago
player 12, laura 17!
12. What do you try to emphasize in your prose?

I think the... feeling of the scene, if I can, you know what I mean? The overall tone, and the way it impacts the internal narrative of a character, the way it impacts the flow of their thoughts. The way the theme of the thread can be conveyed in the words you choose to use even when you're just
describing the environment or something
If I can make sentences run on to convey urgency, or break them up into too many short punctuated sentences, even if it isn't technically grammatically accurate, to convey hesitancy, I think it... feels better, emotively
i say, pulling nonsense out of my ass right now, idk if that bullshit even makes any sense but
I try to inject feelings into prose, with a little lime twist of the character's voice. don't think about it too hard
17. What aspects of character development are you most invested in for them?

This one is a really good question because I am interested in a lot of different aspects of her development and the stories that can be told with her, there are a lot of complicated layers that I enjoy exploring that share similar themes to other characters like
-bucky becoming a person again after winter soldier, dealing with guilt and trauma
-dean and his dad/family issues
-my old old harry potter days, the orphan coming of age navigating anger and abandonment and balancing independence with the innate desire for a mother/father and how he differentiates or protects himself as he grows up and gains maturity
i think what I've been touching on most is like
how they engineered the kids to be rage-machines, and her unpacking why exactly she's so angry, and what that anger is actually masking, as well as the very complex understanding of what having a guardian actually means
in the sense that like, she can protect herself, she doesn't need someone that can defend her physically, in a fight, necessarily, but that having a guide/mentor/teacher/parent means something More Than That. having someone to help her understand that anger and shit
i don't know if i'm articulating this very well At All
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
4 weeks ago @Edit 4 weeks ago
but tl;dr just growing up and having someone older that can guide her from being a feral little gremlin to a wise young adult that understands what it means to be love and be loved in a stable way outside of just fighting all the time.
4 weeks ago
making detailed mental notes
4 weeks ago
i think it is very interesting that the bucky/dean/harry potter/laura overlap is like, actually, mostly a story about stable love!! i dig it
honestly man
a lot of the themes carry over from one to the next
4 weeks ago
Dean, 16,17,18
16. What scenarios do you like playing out best with them?

definitely slow burn loyalty kink with another person that he gets stupid codependent familial with. see: geralt in abraxas, or blake in entranceway, or cas in canon lmao
just gradually working toward the 'i would full-on die for you' over the course of a long time
17. What aspects of character development are you most invested in for them?

this is an excellent question, and one i struggle with from time to time after having already played him almost 15 years across like 5 different years-long game stints, now here at the end of his canon. i think most recently i've been
invested in his dad-mode turn with like steve and clarisse, and considering the nature of acting on my 'he should have been the bobby of the next gen as his ending' concept
18. Ideally, what would you like to accomplish with them for their character development or experiences? What game would you like to play out with them?

yeah, mainly just learning to do a good job at Dad Mode with the selective few young adults he'd be willing to let himself take under his wing. aside from that i think he's kind of in a coasting stage
playing out his post-death retirement in abraxas, letting himself come to terms with the idea of settling in permanently and just... living life for as long as he gets to from now on, with no overarching villain hanging over his head
i think at this point there really just isn't much to do with him that i have not been graciously gifted the opportunity to do over the last decade+
4 weeks ago
I love all of those answers, they're perfect, thank you
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
4 weeks ago @Edit 4 weeks ago
thank YOU
4 weeks ago
also WOW you have been playing Dean for a long time!
yeah man lmao i started on livejournal before the great migration to dreamwidth
4 weeks ago
lol the Great Migration, yes.
i did take a few years off him here and there so it hasn't been, like, constantly the whole time. like i took maybe 4 or 5 off of playing him to focus on bucky primarily but. yeah, pretty much ages.
4 weeks ago
Well his voice is great, <3 you're awesome. thanks for taking the time to answer!
aw thanks man C:
4 weeks ago
player 15, jack 16, 19
15. What aspects, such as humor, horror, etc, do you have the most difficulty getting across in rp? And what is the easiest for you?

as much as it pains me to say this as a huge horror stan, I don't know that I do a very good job writing it
maybe it's because i have seen what it looks like done well and that just Ain't Me, maybe I'm bad at suspense, I don't know
I think I do alright at humor, I think I'm pretty well-practiced at angst, but yeah, horror eludes me a little
i'm also fucking terrible at fight scene action sequences, which is an absolute shame given who I play but
I can't seem to sustain them for more than a couple tags
16. What scenarios do you like playing out best with them?

it's hard to get to this point with him in part because he's such a deflective and subdued character and in part because he's from an obscure canon so it's understandable that folks don't have as much interest in pursuing him, but there comes a point in his relationships where he like
gets very serious and sincere with a person, and he sheds a lot of his awkward spacebrained bullshit and becomes Fiercely Loyal to them, like fuck the world I will burn it all down I will die for u loyal. I enjoy getting him to that point, especially in like ships
after he grapples and deals with his whole 'am i betraying sabine' thing and gets over it, he becomes very committed and thoughtful about the person he's connecting with and it's extremely fun to play
I've gotten to do it twice so far in two different long-term PSLs and it has just been. ugh. chef's kiss, some of the most heart I've been able to write in ages
that sad idiot is very good at falling in love very, very slow and ideal circumstances, anyway.
19. What got you to consider playing them in the first place? What initially sparked your interest?

I was honestly just playing creepypasta narrations in the background while i was gaming one day, and autoplay carried it over to the original blog post like 4 hour compilation of MCP narrations before it was re-written into a book, and I found myself like
tuning into it intermittently because something absurdly fucking hilarious was happening
and then I heard him start slipping stuff into the narrative about the foster system, small anecdotes about his child abuse history, things that were like... oh shit, there's actually some seriousness behind the comedy
and I think that's what hooked me, is finding the depth under the humor
THANK U for asking
4 weeks ago
Man I feel like you've sustained p good action in our threads, tho I personally think action doesn't ever need to get lengthy in the first place either. ALSO i had no idea you found mcp by accident that's so great
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