Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
[RL] [school]
first assignment for seminar class: "go to this website and pick 5 dissertations by previous students you want to read"
me, a week ago: "seems simple enough"
me, now: "I place a curse on whoever set up this archive and also their next of kin"
latest #19
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
why are "Caddo Indians Civilization" and "Caddo Indians History" and "Caddo" all separate subject areas???
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
why are "Early Childhood" and "Early Childhood Education" separate subject areas
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
why are "Race" and "race" separate subject areas????????
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
it's the same damn word
4 weeks ago
what, why is it case-sensitive
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
yes, it apparently IS
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
who the fuck is responsible for this affront to archive indexing??? I'm demanding a meeting in a Denny's parking lot
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
oh, and another one, "Game theory", which should not be confused with "Game theory."
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
yes, with a period
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
and I did look, there's different papers listed under those "different" subjects
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
"this should be easy, how hard could it be to search through an academic database of modern documents"
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
but wait! there
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
's more!
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
special characters can be used in subject titles, including being the first character
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
however, special characters aren't an option for looking at lists of subjects with the same/similar starting character
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
this is a disaster of a website
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
oh my god, one of these dissertations is literally listed here twice, under the same subject heading
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
I would say whoever manages this website needs to go home and sober up, but frankly, I don't think anyone IS actually managing it
Cookie Politics
4 weeks ago
why is one of the subjects just "A" and why is the only dissertation listed in it about about people fee fees on "high-functioning" autistic kids in schools
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