2 months ago
語言不通?義大利廚師來台打工,意外創業也摘下米其林!《外國老闆在台灣EP3》The long lasting place means they got a good landlord. Not greedy. But I heard, you know like ZhongXiao E. Rd, they own 80. You know 80 place and 90 place. They don't drop any single cents of the rent. They don't care. The other 40 are empty they don't care.
latest #18
2 months ago
They care about high rent. This is the rule of the market. How can you fight that?
2 months ago
I do believe I need a log time to recover your investment. When you're starting, you need to have a kind of business plan. Kind of rule can make your compnay not fail. So rent is supposed to be in all 10%. 10% of your gross income. If you go over 15%, 20%, you're risky.
2 months ago
Empolyee's salary should be, you know, you gotta have a percentage like 25 to 30. You know, you're good, 25%, 30%. You can never over. If you got your food cost at 50%. I mean, you'll fail. Really. The number never lies.
2 months ago
You cannot change, of course, I'm Italian. Like I said before, like you said how are the employees different? We are fron different countries, how can you criticize? We know the bad part, but you cannot change it, it's a matter of how you look at them.
2 months ago
The way they grow up, the way they thinking. Because this is the beauty of the world because we are different. Otherwise, we are... you know. I don;t like the globalization because they want to say we are all the same.
2 months ago
No. The beauty of the human being is the diversity. Everybody is different. Taiwanese they are different, Italian we are different, French they are different. With the good things, bad thing, probably.
2 months ago
But that's the beauty of the world, in my opinion. Like I left, I don't feel I'm in a foreign country. I feel Taiwan is my house. You see, in my 23 years. I'm already settled. I'm married, I got my kid. I really truly love Taiwan.
2 months ago
It's really when I land in Taoyuan. I felt like I was landing in Rome, the same feeling. My life is divided in two places. Italy and Taiwan. Whichever I'm in, I miss the other part. I don't know how to explain it. It is the sickness of when you settle in two different places.
2 months ago
Have you dated Italian women before? Of course I dated Italian women. What's different about Italian women and Taiwanese women? They are different culture. Asia Asia, they said Asia culture.
2 months ago
They tend to service the husband, take care of the husband. Italian women are... you know. They're expecting more probably. Women are supposed to be your right hand. Supporting you.
2 months ago
Family is 50/50. Vice versa, when the other is weak, you must be stronger. And then raising kid, 50/50. No matter what, you cannot say I do my part, she does her part. She might be doing more of her part.
2 months ago
Even my wife, she is a housewife, but I appreciate her 100%. She can take my pockets, all my salary, I don't mind. I can give her everything. Because she does the part of raising my kid.
2 months ago
I do understand nowadays we need to work to make money. So why you want to make kid? If your purpose is careers, just do careers. I believe in the motherhood, actully. Because my mother grew up with me. And I appreciate her, they cook, they clean, they teach you, they work, they do.
2 months ago
If you go back and see the women, Taiwanese probably do the same. Taiwanese 阿嬤 do the same. The sweetness face of a grandma is very hard to find in the young generation. I always saw a woman back in the days do hard work. And they never complained.
2 months ago
Whatever it's cleaning, picking food or whatever you know picking food or whatever. They are always happy. They are always smiling. Taiwanese grandma is the same as Italian grandma. The same expression.
2 months ago
What's the most important value that you want to leave to your kid or employees? In the end, respect who you are. Respect who you are, and understand your potential. What you are good at, and what you are bad at.
2 months ago
Don't believe in what other people telling that you need to be the first one. Even last people (can succeed). Look at Wang Yung-Ching. Which degree he has? Nothing. He wanted to do it, he did. People try to hurt you on the way you grow up. But if they don't hurt you , you never grow up.
2 months ago
But what I want to say, respect who you are. So... no matter you are ugly, you are no hair, no matter you... you just be happy who you are. Because you are good at something. And find the people that appreciate who you are.
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