I am sleepy af still, idk what is this fatigue
aside from PMS which I'm not looking forward too, this is usually the main signal these days
Left my phone in my car which wouldn't be a problem if the parking lot to the school wasn't so far
Nvm my phone was in my pocket
i forgot it was a three day weekend and work ends early YEAH
Anime Impulse this weekend was super fun and today was the last day
I will reassure myself about the money I spent is for actual ppl and not gacha
I'm just glad it was in OC instead of LA bc as much as I wanna faff around in cons more often in California, they tend to be so far for me to bother
guess who just burned herself with hot splashing oil yeahhhh, I'M OK BUT LIKE INTERNALLY I FEEL LIKE ASS
i put my arm under cold water and got our usual salves and stuff so no need for urgent care
but god, this is NOT how I wanted my day off to be
im just chilling now, just disappointed @ self
scarring does not look great but I'll just have to care for it
for now gonna have to wear long sleeves bc I don't want anyone at work asking about it
next few days are gonna be so hot too
I'm just glad it's my arm and not my face
then I would have become zuko
fire lord this is all your fault
How is your arm feeling today? :c
necrofancy: it's in the blister stage so I just gotta be careful with it
Sounds like you’re doing all the right stuff! I bet it will heal nicely after it goes through all the stages, keeping it covered is good for protecting it too on top of not having to answer questions
yeah and I need to make sure I wear long sleeves so that sun exposure doesn't damage my skin further
thank God for denim jackets
Arm update, doing better and I'm getting better at wrapping my own bandages with my left hand
How's the pain level on it? :c
I don't expose it to the sun at all and use ointment consistently so theres little to no irritation
Good good! I bet it will heal really well without scarring since you're taking such good care of it
here's hoping
dear lord, please let this heatwave end by the end of the week, tyia
There's been a lot of stuff happening on my end like grandma coming back from Vietnam and living with us and me trying to readjust and feel out this work year
Work isn't bad at all, I think if I need to, I just ask the coordinator if I can be placed in a different classroom to support other kids, but we'll see.
Traffic to work has been bad, but the solution is just waking up and leaving earlier
I feel like this month has been unkind to everyone on the TL so i'm with everyone here
Slap self, I want to be able to start my exercise streak again I'm losing my shit because I wasn't able to exercise with my arm, being sensitive and all
it's starting to heal pretty well though it looks ugly as heck but now I think I can start my exercise routine again I really wanna regain the own shape that I was able to achieve this summer
Arm is itchy and I wanna go home
Set Mai free so she can rest her poor arm and we can write kisses
I won’t pretend to be selfless but also it’s Friday, simply free Mai
Big collapse time approaches for us both!
i've been moving plans around bc the past two weekends i've been busy and wanna minimize going out today, but the one plan I was sure of, there's a miscommunication and i'm like ahhHHHhh
frustrated by myself and other ppl, I need to decompress effectively
okay it got smoothed over, there's other reasons this made me go tld;rdas but thank god I can be a homebody for the rest of the day
I'm glad it got smoothed over