3 weeks ago
ah well that explains why we've had fuckall to do for the past two days https://images.plurk.com/6LCquceTRYjK6J19R582fX.jpg
latest #8
no one..............told you???? that's wild
Knucolas Cage
3 weeks ago
join me in getting paid to sit on our asses
3 weeks ago
Soneone mentioned it yesterday but they didnt make it sound like it was nearly as bad as this lol
3 weeks ago
Our main website takes you to this page when you try to use the search function, and the entite backend where we get out orders is dead too
3 weeks ago
At least the main site being down means people cant flood us with orders right away but lol we have a 3 day weekend coming up, if this isnt fixed by tomorrow I can see next tuesday being absolute hell
3 weeks ago
bitterbearface if it wasnt for having to be on the phone with randos I'd consider it at this point lmao
yeah the 3-day weekend makes this timing bad sob
3 weeks ago
Oh well lmao!!! If we get behind, we get behind. Upper management can blame whoever is supposed to keep our website working
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