[ 派 ]
3 weeks ago
[dup] hmmm can the different AC threads be with the same thread partner?
latest #33
[ 派 ]
3 weeks ago
because I have a number of threads going on but most of them are gong a little more slowly so while I'm confident on three, two of them are with the same character and I need three to clear a strike 🤔
[ 派 ]
3 weeks ago
asking now so that I have time to get another one if I need to aaaaah
I have heard they will ding you for too many repeats but idk what the limit is
I think so! They might flag it if you have a pattern of getting AC mostly/solely with one character
But if it just happens that your ac threads are with the same character this month, I don’t think that’s an issue
[ 派 ]
2 weeks ago
HMMMM okay
[ 派 ]
2 weeks ago
I'll see if any of my other threads hit AC and also put up and tag around fibber when I wake up so I have backup just in case
[ 派 ]
2 weeks ago
[ 派 ]
2 weeks ago
[ 派 ]
2 weeks ago
I'd post but I don't have any specific ideas for Johnny
[ 派 ]
2 weeks ago
OKAY. I tagged around with Johnny and will do so with Artemis probably when I'm on the train
And also put together my own even though it's already on page five
[ 派 ]
2 weeks ago
And is currently halfway to captcha already
[ 派 ]
2 weeks ago
aaaaaah it hit captcha I HOPE MY THREADS WERE LONG ENOUGH (candle)
2 weeks ago
Fibber and captcha makes me sooooo less inclined to ever use it for AC orz
[ 派 ]
1 weeks ago
Rocksintreetops: CAPTCHA IS JUST SO ANNOYING for both Finder and fibber because if it moves to an overflow post or whatever the count resets too
[ 派 ]
1 weeks ago
So it's terrrriboe for AC
[ 派 ]
1 weeks ago
I need to move threads though and I haven't turned my laptop on in days
1 weeks ago
I think I want to start making monthly (or maybe every other month same as tdm) with fibber pics to the network. Just a regular misfire just so there's no overflow
1 weeks ago
Yank the html and just make it a thing people can respond to (could also just do it in the inbox but i don't want anyone having to fuss over the 15 comments for that)
[ 派 ]
1 weeks ago
THAT WOULD BE NICE TOO but also people are less likeyl to see and tag in ;u; that's the nice thing about the big posts
[ 派 ]
1 weeks ago
I just wish that if it was the same thread but moved to overflow or a part2 because of captcha that it would count as the same thread cry
1 weeks ago
I think most players feel the same
1 weeks ago
Or that it shouldn’t count towards ac at all (a hot take I know)
1 weeks ago
Since it’s a meme and we’re lucky we can use it for ac at all /shrug
1 weeks ago
Having it be split dom/sub like the finder keeps it two separate posts so no partial threads. Overflow still is splitting threads
[ 派 ]
1 weeks ago
YEAH ;7;
[ 派 ]
1 weeks ago
I have threads that are one or two off of hitting AC because of captcha =3=
[ 派 ]
1 weeks ago
I'M JUST GLAD I GOT IT but also I don't always realize I didn''t hit AC with some threads
[ 派 ]
1 weeks ago
dup AC isn't even hard esp compared to some games I've been in in the past but somehow it is still a Source Of Stress
1 weeks ago
I understand
1 weeks ago
If you ever need more activity I’m willing to bombard you with tags whenever for almost no reason at all
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