ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
latest #439
my brain this morning on a constant loop: H-O-T-T-O-G-O
alternate plurk header:
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
i've been thinking after abraxas hits endgame, whenever that is, whether it's 6 months or 12 months or 18 or whenever, I'm going to take a break from playing him at least for a while.
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
i don't think i'll ever fully retire him the way i mostly have with bucky, but i'm definitely feeling the result of playing him consistently for several years back to back, not just in abraxas but prior to that in meadowlark for almost 2 years and then crau to ethyraia for another 6 months right before abraxas
i'm not burnt out or anything, i'm good to keep on trucking with his cr and the stuff he's got going on in game, but once that wraps it seems like a good time to take some time off
prior to abraxas i also had him in springwood (which was abandoned), duplicity (for a second attempt), we're still here, and deerington as crau, so I've really... run the gamut with him more or less consistently since I came back from my last break playing him in like 2019
Maybe you'll be inspired to play him again but if not, that makes perfect sense to me! I do that all the time with characters I've played for a long time.
yeah like if I see another game with a dope ass premise and my brain goes "fuck I'd love to take Dean here" then sure I'll yank him right back out again
but I can feel myself having lower inspiration for new ideas and new things to play with him that I haven't already done, I don't feel like I'm as engaged with him as I generally like to be
but his abraxas story and his cr and the investment I've put into his time in the setting's enough to keep me keepin' on, to it's not really a dire thing, I have no plans to drop him before endgame, I'm just not like. jazzhands. you know what i mean lol
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
Sigh. This is how I'm feeling about Wrench, which kind of sucks because not only is he my bb girl who's never done anything wrong in his life, but he's also been like... my only character since coming to DWRP? So yeah, solidarity. I think it's a good thing to recognize when it's happening and be like, Maybe I don't have to run this into the ground.
stickyholograms: grim handshake meme. for what it's worth, I've put Dean down for like 4-5 year stints and picked him right back up again when I felt like it so the enthusiasm may always come back. but in the meantime, I submit to u the concept: make dope ass OCs
if ur at a loss for a solid canon character gripping u, make a thing tailored to ur personal instant gratification and just get hyper-invested in them, 10/10 it works, can attest lmao
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
NO DON'T ENCOURAGE THAT. Like, I am a LJ transplant primarily from sandboxes that were dominated by OCs, so they've always had a death grip on me. And it was wild to transition to DWRP and realize how much OCs are despised here. Not that I think that should change what I do or don't do with my life, but man the OC hate is VENOMOUS.
I really don't think they're despised here like
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
s c r e a m
is it???? I've never seen OC hate on here
I played an OC in meadowlark for 2 years and people really seemed to love him??
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Oh man I've seen so many people who say that they simply will not engage with OCs.
I know a bunch of people who play OCs and seem to do just fine
I got so much cr and so many comments like "i literally forgot he wasn't a canon character" so like. There's big reception man.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
This is good to know because perhaps I have just been in the wrong corners.
I mean I think there will always be people who don't like a certain type of character, there are people who won't play with [insert canon here] too
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago

im just sayin, 5.5k comments, 2 years in games, and some of the best damn ships i've had out of anyone canon OR oc like
it's fully doable
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I'm still considering coming back to Abraxas with Theo because I've kicked him around some sandboxes and WOW it feels wild to play a character who is just so cool and collected and in control of himself and every situation but. LMAO. The muses I pick up are so fucking obscure they might as well be OCs, let's be real.
yeah I have not noticed general OC hate either, at most maybe some cold shouldering but
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Anyway I did NOT mean to make this about me but thank you both for the reassurance because TBH I've been avoiding OCs like the plague out of fear, and you all made me feel better about the possibility.
any negative opinions I've seen about have OCs have been directed at like... not to be shitty, but it's been directed at poorly built OCs, ones that are just self-insert, ones that use really popular LA actor faces, stuff like that
stickyholograms: no shut the hell ur mouth I will talk OCs at length any day
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
THAT'S REASONABLE. I have definitely had experience with those types, yuh.
I miss my OCs from IJ but I think I just can't separate them from IJ in my head lol
but yeah, great experience with Ian, solid experience with Conner even tho I haven't taken him to a game I've got some psl partners obsessed with him, nothing but great experiences from me — but I do put a lot of work into making a very concrete fleshed-out character with neat worldbuilding so
you kinda get back what you put in
i also played a lot of fairy tale reborn / greek god reborn OCs and those are like kind of fandom OCs which aren't allowed.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
theskyisnew That's a big mood. The torching of SWS devastated me, but it probably also saved me from a lot of personal embarrassment.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Better to leave some of those particular muses in the ash and rubble, rofl.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
But damn I LOVE ALL THIS OC LOVE? I want to read about everyone's OCs.
haha, yeah, I've always played fandom stuff, it is my preference. The OCs I made were for very specific OC games. But I did have a good time in those games! Ij still has some good OC games crop up
my friend just opened one over there
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I genuinely didn't know RP on LJ was still a thing!
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Oh wait IJ. Duh, Andie. I have never ventured to IJ.
i wouldn't recommend it lol
but their OC games are pretty solid!
oc hate used to be a lot stronger on dw, but the community was much larger and more wanky
the whole of dwrp, i mean, not the oc community
❥ 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑎 𝑏𝑜𝑤
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
the hate was based mostly on stories of a handful of insane oc players - and they were crazy - that was then used to paint the entire category in a certain light, giving assholes an excuse to exclude and bully people who usually did nothing more wrong than use a popular pb or write a boring character
but those original bad eggs that planted the seed would have been bad eggs if they played fandom characters too
yeah since I came over here a few years ago I haven't seen the same stigma. I think there will always be people who don't like a certain genre/type of character/fandom and you don't need to worry about them anyway
i got distracted chatting with my wife for a bit but like
yeah big agree on the oc bad egg weird stigma that happened for a little bit in certain circles but my experience has been v positive with it
and i actually
started working on a new one recently that i'm almost ready to start gently touching bakerstreet with
i've kind of been wanting to challenge myself a little and step outside of my normal rp comfort zone, at the beginning of the year I was like "maybe one of my rp goals should be to finally pick up a regular chick character again for the first time in ages" but i didn't do it bc I didn't think I could commit, but now that I've been
noodling around with Laura a little it's made me slightly more interested in trying to play an actual adult chick and I haven't had any great bursts of inspiration for a canon one yet so
jazzhands, oc
we'll see how it pans out
it also probably helps that the non-rp original content I've been working on has been based around a female main character because I was like 'there's enough dude-centric fiction in the world fuck that be the change u wanna see' and I've dedicated a chunk of time this year writing around her but
anyway fuck yeah ocs, I'll take a good oc any day of the week, I love 'em
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
blanket oc and obscure character thumbs up zone for anyone that ever wants to hit any of my characters with them, personally
3 weeks ago
i love a good OC, i always get so excited to play off of a good one
bigly same. you put a good rper that's passionate about world building or character development behind the wheels of an oc and that shit's just magic to play against
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
getting to see the full span of the creativity of some of the talented motherfuckers in this hobby is like looking directly into the full glory of the sun
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
alright a tfln top-level just to see how the vibe is even tho i still have a lot of work i want to do
'wow more liminal horror em what a shocker' look shut up
i declare a moratorium on judgment today
now that i feel momentarily satisfied with what i have i can swoop around and start workin on my inbox proper
3 weeks ago
just going to tag her with Lolth so you have woeven with unweaves

(this will probably not actually happen because time)
And then I started crashing and did not actually do anything but smooth brain text stuff. I may try for a power nap reset and then I'll jump into writing actual narrative somewhat coherently.
First an important word from our sponsors:
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
stickyholograms: whispers playyy an OCccc
And it TOTALLY depends on the game and the trends and all sorts of things. I (obv!) have a good time in Abraxas w Teddy, and I’ve also been in games where people wouldn’t tag you. But that was like....8 years ago? Bakerstreet is full of OCs right now.
3 weeks ago
paingravy discontinued: that (my “people are chill about OCs rn”) said, I SUPER appreciate y’all both being and saying ftr ‘anytime’ bc sometimes people ARE nervous about OCs so as an OC player: it’s very awesome to have a welcoming set of players around in a game
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Okay but why is the fact that Em's brand new OC here called "Weaver" actually the very thing that might inspire me to work on fleshing out my lil witchy OC who does magic through spinning and weaving.
wingedvoices: ayy no problemo bud
stickyholograms: shakes u by the shoulders, it's a sign bro
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Remembering me showing you my muselist and just being like, "Here's all the Pogs I've collected and never once played with."
laura → logan Yes she really gonna do this
laura → hulk extremely cute
laura → joel fully committed to the idea that older laura is a dadrock fan
it's funny bc i think this cian oc's pb is in a movie with my weaver pb actress
me doing these weaver tags saying a bunch of nonsense that really makes it clear I've done mushrooms
tell me you've done psychedelics without telling me you've done psychedelics
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I have a favorite porch. 😅
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
honestly maybe i should have seen this coming, i did say i wanted to become the shower mommy
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
Em has the best shrooms playlists, and that’s just a fact.
man you know something like
there are very few compliments as touching
as hearing you have impeccable taste in music while you're trippin
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
LMAO and I don’t even like music so that’s how you know your music is legit
i'll take this compliment to my grave
me, on my deathbed, sighing in contentment because of that one time i made a music hater like two whole ass songs
i don't even remember what the other one was
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I do maintain, however, that the last "treeeeeeeeeees" of Kids is way too eerily long when you're high as shit on psychedelics.
oh right that's what it was
you're right, another absolute banger, i do have great taste
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
< Me, high as shit, just letting your playlist take me.
for a very long series of... minutes? an hour? there was really just a whole ass fuckin Vibe
it was chill as fuck
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Legitimately do not know if we sat there five minutes or five hours. Only regret that I did not follow your advice and also take a shower.
next time bro
next time, u gotta
it's the galaxy-brain play
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
w a i t. Actually I think I still have the few pieces that I took back home from the cabin sitting in my refrigerator and I have no Labor Day plans whatsoever. Is this the best idea or the worst idea or both simultaneously.
HA my guy, follow your heart
honestly i used mine like a half-piece at a time for a week
it's a nice little creativity reset
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Okay I was also wondering if doing that microdose shiz was possible with them when I got so fucked off just a few pieces but I like this idea too.
i'll send you my spotify playlist and u can get the full experience lmfao
yeah they're totally doable for that, worked nicely for me
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
(I cannot believe I overran this Plurk once to yowl about OCs and now again to be weird about shrooms.)
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
DUDE don't threaten me with a good time if you don't mean it.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Give up the goods~
you're all good my guy, i welcome u into my maternal shower embrace
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Shower Mommy
expect a playlist invite by the end of the week
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Yeeeeeee~. Fuck what if you were the person to make me? Like? Music?
a challenge has been issued and i have exactly 2 points of starting data
i think i can work with it
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
HAHAHA I feel like your two data points are WILD but I am so eager to see where they lead you.
their common themes are "fucking hipster" so i have a lot to work with
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Now we wait for my Spotify Wrapped to drop and see if it is indeed just worthy of being renamed "An Homage to Em."
3 weeks ago
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
blakeroo ROFL look what you have created~
3 weeks ago
My favorite thing to see, lbr.
3 weeks ago
tbh I might raid my cabinet to see what I can drum up similarly. lolol
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Hehehehehe fucking do it.
oh speaking of, karen, I meant to ask you, were you on vyvanse when we did them? because I follow a few adhd subreddits and saw someone mention in one that they felt absolutely nothing when they did shrooms on a day they took theirs
which might explain what happened
3 weeks ago
Yeah, I was.
3 weeks ago
I did FEEL good, I just didn't get the visuals.
3 weeks ago
The body high was A++
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
you Will need more shrooms to have the same effet as your friends and your trip Will be boring as f .
i’ve heard adderall completely counteracts shrooms and you won’t feel the shrooms at all. i imagine vyvanse would be similar
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Me being the absolute worst person on the face of the earth, taking your face in my hands and absolutely insisting that you were not actually good and not actually high and then almost crying because I wanted you to be as high as I was.
3 weeks ago
I have never tried shrooms BUT having repeatedly gone ‘!!!’ about Em’s music I fully believe I would also agree with this

*curious tbh! but it feels like a thing to do with friends at least, the first time? as a person prone to being in my head anyway. and i don’t really have friends into that who I’m in touch with? Ah well
just casually throwin a content warning at the top since this is now Shrooms Plurk lmao
we love to see it
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
wingedvoices: yes. do not do them alone, absolutely do not.
do them with friends you trust; preferably with at least one sober person who WILL NOT FUCK WITH YOU
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
But yeah can thumbs up recommend that Em and Karen are the best people to have your first ever shrooms experience with so yeah.
3 weeks ago
Whoa that’s weird about stimulants counteracting ...entheogens actually no it’s not never mind dopamine receptors
3 weeks ago
Yeah, maybe I will skip the Vyvanse for a day or two the next time.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
wasn't it fantasia but only the bad parts lmaooo
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
like the parts with satan or something
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
YES. I remember now because I hate that goddamn movie already as it is.
3 weeks ago
Chris was ready for us to YEET ourselves into the universe without his supervision.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Me becoming utterly convinced that Cat did, indeed, somehow open a waterfall in the bathroom and flood the floor.
i recognize in hindsight that it wasn't that he volunteered to be the sherpa, he was just involuntarily designated as such because of his allergy, but also at the same time
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Oh yeah for sure, I wouldn’t -- I was usually the sober friend for the various ~~psychonauts I DID used to be bffs with, I am just a lot less anxious and more curious now than I was then. About that, at least
never let that guy ever sherpa people on shrooms again lmao
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Can you imagine being allergic to mushrooms though? Like, even the boring normal ones. What a life.
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
as a huge advocate of mushrooms on pizza, i would just give up and die
3 weeks ago
I had woodear today and I CANNOT RECOMMEND ENOUGH
3 weeks ago
It's like... BEEF mushroom!!
what the fuck is that lmaoo
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Oh god that sounds BANGIN'. I love mushrooms so much my life would be so empty if I were allergic.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I am so happy that I have us immortalized forever on my arm as three little shroomies.
never heard of it, 10/10 would put it in my mouth
3 weeks ago
I would HATE being allergic to any kind of mushrooms jfc
3 weeks ago
They had sort of a crunchiness that I cannot describe, but it legit was so beefy tasting. I am OBSESSED.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Okay that Wiki image actually looks horrific, but I would still eat it.
controversial opinion, fried mushrooms are the superior snack of the fried breaded food world
throw some ranch on them bitches, u can't top it
3 weeks ago
Okay, but
3 weeks ago
It’s only controversial if you like when people do them weird and they’re watery on the inside
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
God I love fried mushrooms. My brother's restaurant did fried morels a few months ago and then got ABSOLUTELY SLAMMED BY THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT because the mushrooms were a forage and evidently that is not legal in Missouri?
3 weeks ago
but you have so many things to forage in Missouri
wingedvoices: that's not my preference but honestly, would still eat
3 weeks ago
I had a fried CHEESE GRITS, and that is... so fucking good. From the BBQ place we went when we were here.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
wingedvoices No that's legit because they are weirdly easy to fuck up?
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
what the fuck is fried cheese grits
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
How do you fry grits. Is that like fried polenta?
3 weeks ago
I say plaintively as though that’s going to convince the health department

Oh lol I know I’m just kidding
3 weeks ago
Yeah basically
3 weeks ago
Make cheese grits, cut into sweet-ass triangles, freeze, dredge, fry!!
grits, like. breakfast grits, like southern breakfast food grits?
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I cannot eat grits because of texture shit but I would try that.
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
my mind cannot wrap around the physics of this but
3 weeks ago
I’ve had them like, fried like ...latkes
sure, would try, fuck it
3 weeks ago
They sort of almost resemble cheesy tofu when done. Like, I liked them better for the cheese flavor than fried cheese sticks themselves.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
H u h.
i do enjoy tofu tbh
3 weeks ago
This sounds like you need fried cheese curds in your life
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
So wild lesbian retreat 2.0 with fried grits and shrooms y/y
3 weeks ago
y/y confirmed
3 weeks ago
lol please
3 weeks ago
I am ready.
gaggle of wandering lesbians, assemble.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
l m a o o o o o
3 weeks ago
"Listen, doc, I need to be off Vyvanse for all of April so in May I can fuck with some shrooms, okay???"
honestly u probably only need to skip a day or two
the stimulant half-life is not that long
3 weeks ago
I’m literally contemplating the SAME QUESTION I asked about Teddy being able to join the girls night in another thread
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Oh my god Annual Disappear to Tennessee to Take Shrooms and Eat
3 weeks ago
This is true. I think I'm going to actually adopt that tack, anyway, because when I missed a day I really felt like it helped. Like, I did so good the next day.
3 weeks ago
lolll tbf the question is actually ‘um, am I being invited’ not ‘AHEM I’m not a LESbian’
i think i've mentioned this before yeah, that's the strat my arizona psych recommended
skipping weekends, or at least a saturday OR a sunday, as a little tolerance break
really helps
3 weeks ago
Hmmm now we’re onto ADHD strategies and I MIGHT TRY THAT
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I really need to get evaluated lollll
as a disclaimer it's specific to stimulants, not things like straterra if that's what you take
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Sitting on these tips for later.
largely just like vyvanse and adderall
3 weeks ago
also fun things I've learned, vitamin c reduces the effectiveness as it metabolizes so take that at night if you take vit c
and another thing i learned today, if you have acid reflux it may not be as effective as normal, but if you take an acid reflux med or a supplement that coats your GI tract to reduce acid it's MORE effective
i..... listen. i've gone down a lot adhd-inspired research rabbit holes.
3 weeks ago
......ok THAT is highly relevant
it has to do with the way vyvanse is a slow-release formula and stomach acid breaks it down faster
3 weeks ago
and also: I go down every rabbit hole but that one I actually haven’t done much of yet, so bring on the tips
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
There is something so stunningly ironic about hyperfixating about the effectiveness of ADHD medication.
i know lmao i know, u are right but also
i have fixated on most aspects about adhd not just the medication side
3 weeks ago
the amount to which I am ...just a ball of dysfunction barely tamed by medication and learning-coping-in-my-30s cannot be overstated so. ADHD FACTS, INFODUMP
so i have read articles on masking and underdiagnosis in women and all the weird side-effect quirks and just
3 weeks ago
stickyholograms: Lolllll yeaaaah
the quantity of adhd-educating content creators and subreddits i have followed for the last couple of years you would not even believe
really did fully have a religious experience when i got my diagnosis and it finally made sense
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I have never paid it the slightest passing thought until a bunch of AFAB people I know suddenly got diagnosed and described symptoms stunningly similar to what I experience, and then described how the meds do things for them I desperately need done for me, lol.
the absolutely astounding lack of research that has gone into adult women and adhd presentation is just disturbing, it's like
it reminds me of
3 weeks ago
afldj YEPP
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
LOL this is a depressing banger.
it is both depressing and a banger yes
3 weeks ago
what really got me was when i got my diagnosis, after years of wondering if i was autistic but not if i had adhd, never really occurred to me bc i didn't even know there WERE multiple types of adhd when i was younger (maybe there weren't! idk when that happened!) --
3 weeks ago
and told my parents and they were like 'yeaaah we always thought about getting you checked out, but, idk, you did so well in school'
3 weeks ago
first of all.
3 weeks ago
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
No exactly. I always thought it was all about bouncing off the walls hyperactivity, because I feel like that's all that was ever really presented or discussed.
yeah i think when we were all younger in the late 90s/early aughts, they thought ADHD and ADD were two separate things but now as I understand it they're starting to realize it's the same condition it's just that it presents differently in different environments/at different stages in life
so there's been a lot of
new understanding about it in the last 10-15 years
3 weeks ago
second of all. i did well in school until approximately the age of ...14, preceded by 3 years of coasting and panic attacks.

YEAH, i remember that, and now there's the "inattentive" "hyperactive" and "combined"
3 weeks ago
which...i'm technically combined type because i'm impulsive af and interrupt people, but i'm not "gets up in the middle of class"
there's like the inattentive presentation and the hyperactive presentation but the thing with women (and maybe some men i guess) is both of these things can be highly internalized
3 weeks ago
that makes total sense. it's the same way that autism in AFAB people doesn't really get noticed the same way because the socialization to mask is so much heavier
you can be inattentive and space out, or you can be hyperactive and it present as anxious thoughts and a racing mind but not as external tics if you've developed strong masking tedencies, or yeah, it can be combined and vary back and forth
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I am just this second coming to the realization that all my life I've joked that I have to manufacture pressure in order to actually get things done. Like hahaha I always procrastinate because I can't work if I'm not under immense pressure from looming deadlines. And maybe? This is not a joke? But rather a symptom?
like... the way society conditions adhd masking in women is bananas
3 weeks ago
...hahaa andie that's exactly how my partner gets things done and they were almost as off the charts as i am when they got assessed
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
stickyholograms: so lmao. yes. the procrastination is a classic symptom and as soon as i mentioned that to my current psych she was like "nods. okay so vyvanse" because it REALLY DOES RESOLVE the need for a last minute deadline procrastination panic attack to accomplish shit
when medicated you sometimes actually just. do the shit??
without it taking an act of god or a ton of spoons or negotiating with yourself and dread?
3 weeks ago
meanwhile i can do that now, to some degree, but for like, eight years of school i hit a "i can't start this because it's not going to be exactly how i imagine it so i might as well not try" wall and then COULDN'T do it, just had a panic attack, and nearly failed out of college
3 weeks ago
but was never aware that i had adhd until like ten years later
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I cannot imagine doing things without it being because the end of the world is looming.
it's a fucking game changer my guy
3 weeks ago
ahhh executive dysfunction/whatever the hell that non-starter shit is combo
3 weeks ago
also, just as a person i like having someone tell me facts about my brain
you just do the thing. like, not all the time, it's not a perfect cure, but going from 0% to 50% of the time just doing the thing without thinking about it? holy fuck
when i'm not medicated i'm a full slave to executive dysfunction
3 weeks ago
yeahhh. i'm definitely feeling (second month) that we started me back on a lower dose than i was on, right now, but i'm STILL getting way more done than i was for the entire summer
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
One time my brother (who was actually diagnosed with ADHD in childhood) and I literally drove around town for 2 hours straight and then just WENT BACK HOME AND STARED AT EACH OTHER because neither of us could figure out where to eat???
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Cannot imagine just doing A Thing.
3 weeks ago
decision paralysis is also a whole separate thing with adhd >_>
3 weeks ago
so uh
3 weeks ago
basically there's a reason things be like they are
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
and it runs HARD in families
3 weeks ago
i mean, everyone i know who has it who has siblings, they ALSO either have ASD or ADHD or both
3 weeks ago
(they're pretty comorbid; some people think they're just variations on the same thing)
stickyholograms:What Is ADHD Masking?please read this and let me know if this resonates with u
and if so u should probably get evaluated bud
even just scrolling to the bulletpoints and scoping those
3 weeks ago
i scrolled down to the bullet point list and there are some on there that aren't normally pointed out that made me just laugh because it's so me (lol you said that just as i did that. WHAT ARE PARAGRAPHS I CAN'T READ ALL THAT TEXT AT ONCE)
lmao yeah when i stumbled across this the other day i was like "oh... oh no..."
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Okay are you fucking shitting me with this list? Because the majority of it feels like someone went deep into my brain and plucked my thoughts right out of my head. And that's wild, because I feel like I have expressed some of this shit to mental health professionals in the past and they've called it symptomatic of OTHER stuff instead?
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
But I'm reading this just going check, check, check, yep, LMAO me.
3 weeks ago
(some of them AREN'T me but it's because i AM on the waves hand neuropsych wanted to call it social pragmatic communication disorder not ASD even though the reason he gave ISN'T A SYMPTOM OF SPCD and was super ableist spectrum and so instead of 'act like i should/calmer instead of how i feel' i do 'what is my face doing' and 'how was that taken?'
welcome to the club
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
high five, we're all neurosparkly
that's what im fuckin sayin like, idk how you are supposed to get diagnosed when you have been engineered to mask in such a predictable and comprehensive way, but also it's kind of validating to just see a fuCKING LIST calling you out
so you're not like 'do i not actually have adhd or' no, you do bud, you are 90% of this exact list
3 weeks ago
and yeah, yeah, i know the word is generally neurospicy if you're adulterating it but I LIKE GLITTER :-P :-P

adlj right? like, sometimes i get irritated when tumblr is like "this one thing is autism coded" or whatever because that ONE thing isn't a diagnosis. but uh, checking off 15 things on a list is worth talking to a medical professional about
studly boops
3 weeks ago
are you telling me this list is not just how everyone is
Nennui: AAHAHAHA my new life goal is to just
be the one to break the news to people
that they have adhd
3 weeks ago
perfect entrance
one by one just
welcome to the club boys glad i could bring this to your attention
i was nudging Ami about it the other day in voice too
studly boops
3 weeks ago
I need the upside down discord smiley rn
3 weeks ago
yeah, this is me too. only also with EDS? (not quite as often as my partner, who's the one who actually HAS EDS)
studly boops
3 weeks ago
I thought we were all faking it til we make it. in this TOGETHER.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Nennui This is precisely how I reacted to this list. Oh no.
studly boops
3 weeks ago
well I guess in some way we all are
i say unto you:
-get a screening
-get a screening NOT by a fucking old boomer man
-if they ask you if you were hyperactive as a kid they are not up to date, get a screening by someone else
3 weeks ago
yeah i was like "wait, we AREN'T faking it till we make it? i'm faking most things"
3 weeks ago
yeah, i advise not getting it if it's possible by someone who specializes in pediatrics
3 weeks ago
they may mostly treat kids!
studly boops
3 weeks ago
anyway sorry for perpetually being late to every vc ever. if I'm not facing a clock in the moment time simply stops existing.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
(Me now thinking of Cat saying, "I don't know why people say I'm autistic," and me just being like, "Because you fucking ARE babes??")
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
lmao it's okay u are cherished u are loved
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
boy, i can't believe she hadn't already been diagnosed
3 weeks ago
(aww yeah i always feel weird when i can tell/assume people know but like. also if people don't hate me it's like a 10-1 that they're neurodivergent)
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Girl literally WALKING AROUND ON HER TIPTOES saying she's not clear on why she reads as autistic.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
It is truly just sometimes The Truth that we can see things in others I guess.
she had me at "i didn't realize you were a lesbian"
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
NOT THAT IT'S A BAD THING oh god huff huff
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
No I am not insulted by you calling me a lesbian it's truly really genuinely okay
3 weeks ago
hey i do that too! (tiptoes) i didn't even NOTICE how frequently until we started talking about it in my household bc my metamour got a Long Ass Evaluation for autism
and then you just. start noticing everything

....i mean, i assume you give off vibes because you talk about being queer like someone who gives off vibes but also you STATE THIS A LOT
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
lmao i promise i stated it just as much in front of her quite a few times
3 weeks ago
(sorry - i'm sure you've said the word before but just checking, are you good with "queer"? i feel like i just auto use it for everyone and that's not a thing i should do)
yeye i'm fine with it
i ain't easily flapped
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Oh my god the journeys we have been on in this Plurk.
3 weeks ago
you don't seem easily flapped!
this plurk has fucking gone places today gang
3 weeks ago
looks up at dean winchester i'm sorry dean
i always say i consider my plurks completely open public forums and never have they been a more true representation of that
don't apologize to dean he's the biggest lesbian of them all
he's made of flannel
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Why do I get some Dean Winchester Honorary Lesbian vibes though? Like am I way off track with that?
handshake meme
nope ur correct
3 weeks ago
no but really. like. rule 63 dean is just That Handy Lesbian
3 weeks ago
they're a camping gay
3 weeks ago
there are also probably 23420300000 lesbian dean winchesters actually in kansas
dean winchester is genuinely the ultimate shower mommy, he truly do be an honorary lesbian
he is the butch i aspire to be one day
3 weeks ago
i actually lol'd at "the ultimate shower mommy"
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Have we discovered the next step in your Dean Winchester character journey where he retires to go drive U-Hauls and oversee The Cult of the Shower Mommy
he's gonna get a sourdough starter any day now
3 weeks ago
occasionally i used to see people playing ...i hate dancing around "genderswap" for a better word i seriously just call it rule 63 ... deans who were like, shampoo hair commercial blondes and i was like "....it's not the role swap i mind here it's that ...what"
absolutely not
3 weeks ago
like, she's too wiry but kristen stewart in a led zeppelin t-shirt and flannel is way more what one should aim for with dean
TikTok · Haley
if he'd be anybody he'd be this person lmfao
3 weeks ago
we don't just wear the flannel, we become the flannel
3 weeks ago
the black jean jacket over the flannel
3 weeks ago
"when we become our truest plaid covered selves"
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Try to sit is such an underrated joke in this whole thing oh my god.
3 weeks ago
hahaha it's so accurate
the subtle spiciness of that callout
never once have I sat in a chair correctly
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Well shit, my Blundstones are also that exact colorway SO.
things we have covered in this plurk:
-original characters
-adhd screenings and the perils of masking
-deep fried grits
-lesbian fashion
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
omg she lives in destin full time? i'm so sorry haleyfaulkner (jk jk. destin was where my partner went every summer as a kid bc their grandfather had a ... ...timeshare in destin fl. and i have heard it is exactly as gorgeous as that video and full of exactly those things, but man i can't imagine living in a place that doubles in population every summer)
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
i always try and do this in actual conversations and figure out how we got from one to the other
3 weeks ago
(don't know how y'all got to psychedelics, wasn't here. grits was first, via fried mushrooms. adhd was because vyvanse fucks up shrooms. lesbians....were because of dean but i don't remember why dean)
truly a fun conversational journey
3 weeks ago
oh, because i said sorry to dean! because we were talking about how weird this conversation has been
the psychedelics came from me churning out some fuckin out-there ass shit in a weaver tag
3 weeks ago
ahhh got it
3 weeks ago
wtf it's 11? welp. ~~ time blindness! i mean, ok, i meant to be doing something two hours ago, but at least sitting around talking to you guys is a GOOD way to get distracted and not like, "i've decided today to learn a new coding language" or some shit
i've legit been trying to do a tag for 2 hours and just wholly got absorbed in this convo lmfao
signs the meds have worn off for the day
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
EM I WILL BE ANTICIPATING THAT PLAYLIST. But please know that it will probably actually take a square of chocolate for me to commit to sitting down with it and even then if I don’t love it like before I’ll be too ashamed to ever say anything.
stickyholograms: i understand you deeply. my only ask is that if you don't like a song by 30 seconds in just skip it instead of giving up on the whole endeavor entirely
and if i manage to find one or two more you DO like, provide me the names so i can adjust my mental algorithm accordingly
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
This seems almost generously reasonable. I can commit to that.
hell yeah i'm gonna hyperfixate on this later
3 weeks ago
You step out for five minutes, I swear...
3 weeks ago
Speaking of stepping away, tho: RIP Dean - until you're resurrected again!!!
o karen something you'll think is cute probably
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
pepaw brought me "Fancy Bologna" today
idk why. he was just like "here i got this for you it's the Good Stuff"
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
he named some brand i can't remember and i'm like i'm pretty sure there is literally no such thing as fancy bologna, these things are mutually exclusive
not that i'm complaining in the slightest, a good fried bologna sandwich absolutely fucks, it's just funny
what im naming andie's playlist
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
AHAHAHA. It's already perfect.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
And I'm going to need a full bologna review a-la Mythical Morning
my review: i mean, it was pretty alright. the fault was probably on me, i could have fried it longer and it would've been next tier, but i slapped that shit on bread with fresh garden tomatoes so like. u know. u can't really fuck that up.
in summary: tasted like bologna
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
That's about all we can ask of bologna, really. Though shit I wish I had some fried bologna right now.
truly we cannot expect more from the humblest of sandwich meats
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
It did what it was designed to do and that's all we can ask of it.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Also I feel that I must tell you that once in Deerington Blake made Wrench a full mixtape.
this is clearly the irl lesbian version of that, which was already pretty lesbian to begin with
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
at the very bare minimum i can guarantee this shit i'm putting together will make for very chill vibes for a trip of any intensity
but im shooting for the moon here
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I don't know how I have now gotten a full TWO people to make either me or my muse a full-ass dedicated playlist, but I fucking love it?
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I can tell you I think there were at least two songs from Blake's playlist that made it to my, "Hey I could listen to this again!" playlist and they were Drop the Game by Flume and Way Down We Go by Kaleo so I don't know what that says or if it says anything but those are a couple more data points.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
And now I'm realizing I should listen to the full playlist again while tripping...
this is good and i think it does actually align with a subset of some i have already chosen
3 weeks ago
What a good man!! Only the fanciest bologna for the basement troll!!
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
I HAVE A FIRST DRAFT. I'm calling this attempt 1, for more information gathering, and I reserve a second attempt for the future based on the results of this test
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
stickyholograms this is what i have for you (and anybody else that wants to be nosy i guess idc)I Don't Like Music Rly
and here's my thought process behind it:
based on "the meaning" you seem to like mandolin and harmonies with crisp or comfortable and pleasing lyrics, so there's a smattering of variations of that in there
based on "kids" by mgmt you also seem to like things that are... interesting? audibly interesting? but that aren't just a bunch of fuckin NOISE like dubstep/rap/etc can be, so I threw in some alternative-indie-adjacent shit with interesting bits that are still of the chill vibe variety
mixed in are a few wildcards just to see if they stick, loosely based on the more bass and beat heavy stuff you didn't mind from karen
all of it with the concept that it can be listened to while under the influence and provide a pleasant, chill atmosphere
so that even if you don't love any song in particular, it will be background noise that is not disruptive or distressing to Just Kinda Vibin
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
i also assumed that you have heard most very common/overplayed classic rock or oldies tunes so I steered clear of most of them assuming that they did not stick, but included some slightly less overplayed hits to get a feel for it
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Holy shit how did you put this together so fast? I am going to do my best to take a listen tonight before I completely collapse but I think I am genuinely gonna have a square or maybe a half-square of remaining chocco tomorrow and just let myself see where this takes me??
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
ahahaha listen
i just. i have a repository.
like i said, give 'em like. a minute, to get to the chorus, and if you ain't feelin 'em then, skip
report back if any are the vibe
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I am taking this so seriously I re-purchased Spotify Premium so I could get lyrics back because the basic Spotify account doesn't allow you to view them, the ableist fuckers.
wow this is some serious fuckin business
can't wait for u to see you paid money for the lyrics 'jesus drives an astrovan'
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
lmao genuinely love that for me
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