3 weeks ago
you ever just wish you could take all the furniture and clutter in your house and just select all > place in inventory?
latest #15
3 weeks ago
like just. please remove every item from my home so that I can meticulously reset them without needing to do all the physical labor of actually picking things up and moving them kthx
3 weeks ago
mumbles my enclosure needs new enrichments
nice guy goose
3 weeks ago
Every day of my life
nice guy goose
3 weeks ago
Let me go Animal Crossing on this shit
3 weeks ago
bed gothic
3 weeks ago
who doesn't
Many mistakes
3 weeks ago
right now especially. We had to empty out our kitchen cupboards for a repair project and the contents are spread across two other rooms!!!
Hugh Following
3 weeks ago
all the time
Hugh Following
3 weeks ago
I gotta do a puzzle slider game each time I move anything!!
y yo a ti, cas
3 weeks ago
y yo a ti, cas
3 weeks ago
all the time
y yo a ti, cas
3 weeks ago
i just want one of those PODS or whatever and for everything to get moved out
y yo a ti, cas
3 weeks ago
and then slowly maybe over a year or whatever i put some things back
y yo a ti, cas
3 weeks ago
and anything i don't want anymore just disappears
y yo a ti, cas
3 weeks ago
The Dream
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