ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
latest #251
boy i have Not slept much in the last 2-3 days and it is not for lack of trying
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
i have a few short commissions to work on today, if I can knock out like two or three of those on top of working on a regular one I'll be fairly satisfied
stop method RPing Jack
i know right jesus christ lmao
me out here being a perpetual soulbonder
next thing u know i'll be talking about all the brain meds i'm on. oh wait.
opening up a 'quick fill' commission option was a genius move on my part bc it's only for 2-3 paragraphs per prompt and people keep tipping me for them so they've all wound up netting like 10 bucks a pop
for, like, sixty seconds of effort
alright it's like 5 minutes of effort but to most men that's the same amount of time
truly a place where my ability to bang out a 3 paragraph tag in my sleep shines
sing apps also close today, i wonder what the turn-around time is for processing those
it would be cool to find out soon
3 weeks ago
Yah I wonder too
fingers crossed for both of us my dude, if we both get in I'm gonna have to throw Sandor at your Bruce if you're interested, and I would like to apologize in advance
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
idk if they'll have the slightest bit of chemistry lmao they are Very Different in almost all ways, but I've been surprised by crazier combinations
3 weeks ago
Oh absolutely lol can’t wait to write bruce on the edge of his patience
god.... if it's even remotely visible Sandor's gonna find just. extreme amusement at digging that hole further.
altho iirc he loses the power to hulk out so who knows, maybe he could use a replacement horrifying rage monster defender.
we'll see how it plays out lmao
3 weeks ago
v tru, it’s also fun writing bruce processing that he can be outwardly angry without worrying about causalities for the first time in a decade
3 weeks ago
He and sandor can start a fight club shdjhssjjs
honestly there's a world where maybe a really satisfying thread can come from sandor provoking him to the point where he'd normally hulk out esp if he thinks bruce needs to actually act like he's pissed off instead of shoving it all down, and then the neat realization that nothing's happening
sandor just like "you're a little fucker but you're fucking pissed off all the time, i can tell. just act like it."
mad recognize mad
3 weeks ago
At the very least bruce would be SOOOO tempted (especially since the hulk is still in his head, just not able to front/transform anymore) but the self-loathing that follows wooooeeeee
3 weeks ago
Bruce there’s a happy medium between complete repression and violence I promise (will he ever learn this? debatable)
can't wait 2 see how that plays out and develops for him rly
3 weeks ago
It’s so fun I can’t wait to throw him into a frozen void and see how he does lmao
3 weeks ago
I show my love for my muses by making it Worse
truly this is the way
suffering is also my love language
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Also i hope it’s ok hulk hangs with Laura for a little bit, he obviously loves her too
3 weeks ago
And then once they’re safe, bruce can give Laura a Nice experience for once
IT'S TOTALLY OKAY they're very cute, also bonding with part of him is necessary for bonding with all of him
3 weeks ago
Exactly u get it
3 weeks ago
And for Bruce is trust that Laura isn’t scared of him/them
3 weeks ago
hulk 🤝 laura
Angry hurt kids who deserve better
3 weeks ago
Bruce is trying to parent and hulk is like “this is my playmate now, go away”
it's just Angry Girl but in miniature
(valkyrie and hulk were also very cute)
3 weeks ago
God I miss the Revengers vibes, we never got that back either 😭
which is fucking criminal rly
ragnarok had a few issues but overall what an absolute banger of a film
3 weeks ago
Kevin Feige sees a good dynamic in an mcu film then goes “let’s never replicate that again”
other things I'm pissed we never got to revisit: bucky & tony, but i'll keep my soapbox in the closet abt that
i have been fortunate enough to play that out in very satisfying ways with one of the best tony players i've ever seen in dwrp
(shoutout 2 belle, sure hope ur kickin ass)
3 weeks ago
Yea it’s INSANE that they never followed up on bucky and Tony
3 weeks ago
Or Bruce and... anyone
fucking HONESTLY
this what happens when your movies turn into a shotgun blast of cameos so you can squeeze as many big names into 90 minutes as you can
3 weeks ago
Yup, they forget about the characters
yep. character relationships just. do not develop.
3 weeks ago
Rping bruce is weird bc 1. He’s not popular 2. Im not really writing mcu bruce anymore, just a1/a2 bruce with some ragnarok, but that’s fully because the mcu forgot to let Bruce be a character
3 weeks ago
I’m sure a lot of mcu characters can relate
hey listen man, i love bruce. most of my mcu rper buds love him too. dwrp is criminally lacking in good bruce content. but also..... like....
3 weeks ago
Poor Steve rpers having to decide to that canon abandonment of canon is canon to their writing
i think anyone who plays any of the og mcu characters at this point is fully down for selectively choosing a canon cut-off point
it's just necessary
3 weeks ago
at a certain point it becomes less "are you rigidly 100% canon compliant" and more "do you fundamentally understand who this character is at their core and can you write them Well in new circumstances"
3 weeks ago
Literally everyone who rps the OG avengers have to made SOME canon adjustments just for the characterization to make sense
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
which is... definitely a lesson i have learned and employed playing dean winchester with 15 seasons of largely garbage writing lmao
it's very much the same principal for mcu
3 weeks ago
As someone who used to write Sam from spn, I completely agree lol
3 weeks ago
I hope I’m doing ok with bruce but it’s hard to judge the metrics sometimes since canon went soooo off the rails
oh man a former sam player aaaa, you guys are unicorns these days
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
but just because something is technically written in canon does not always mean that it's correct for the character, and that's a slippery slope admittedly but also being able to discern those moments that contradict the character means you're capable of recognizing bad writing imo
i think you're nailing capturing the character we were originally presented with
before it became entirely about comic relief and cheap, more shallow bits
3 weeks ago
Thanks 😭
3 weeks ago
I rewatched iw/endgame to see if they would help with the metrics, and regretted it immensely lol. It was total garbage in regards of anything regarding Bruce’s characterization
endgame was garbage for literally everyone's characterization except, like, maybe nebula
3 weeks ago
And yea I need to bring Sam back sometime even if it’s just for fun memes, I’ve just repressed everything that happened after s10 lol
god, yeah, there's... a period between like s10-the first half of s14 that I just black out and ignore lmao
3 weeks ago
He became jack’s dad for a hot minute and I was like 👀 but then they forgot about that too lmao
3 weeks ago
Spn rpers deserve financial compensation
I will say I did think Late Seasons Sam was very good, one of the few redeeming qualities
but like the overall plot and writing and everything else, absolute garbage
3 weeks ago
Like mcu rpers
especially after the fucking finale
3 weeks ago
God that finale
cas fans, sam fans, dean fans, all of us collectively shaking hands at how each of us got individually fucked
3 weeks ago
Listen, I’ve always been all for Sam and Dean being forced into retirement, I just thought they’d do it TOGETHER
3 weeks ago
or at the very least die together
I have maintained for ages that instead of killing him they should have just let him become the Bobby of the next gen
let Sam get married and have his kids and stuff, let Dean be Bobby, and that's fine
3 weeks ago
All of us shaking hands jsut like all the different fans/shippers did after endgame lmao
sam retired, dean half-retired, as retired as he'd ever be
3 weeks ago
And they didn’t even have the decency to make sam/eileen endgame, like. WHAT
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I don’t understand at ALL
fucking justice for eileen, it makes NO god damn sense
i will die on my sam/eileen hill
3 weeks ago
Like sure, sam having a kid and naming it after Dean, very accurate, but with. A random chick ??
lmao right???
3 weeks ago
and it's almost like, if they hadn't said anything we could believe blurry wife was eileen, but then they had to go and pull a jk rowling delivering post-mortem bullshit word of god from the writers room just swatting it down and confirming that it wasn't her
3 weeks ago
Dean/sam/cas also suffer from terminal “the writers forgot we have some very severe trauma and PTSD”
3 weeks ago
“And the writers joke about it instead”
the writers forgot just basic personality traits lmao expecting anything more than remembering their fucking names was asking too much half the time
any ep where dean acts like a braindead jock you can just wiki real quick and be like "ah yes this was written by a rando guest writer"
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
"hurr hurr what are books" my man reads Vonnegut you shut your whole entire fuckin mouth
3 weeks ago
I couldn’t get thru s11 bc it included jokes of lucifer taking over Sam’s bedroom and like. Did everyone collectively forget that sam was canonically SA’ed by that guy or
lmao god why is it still so easy to provoke my spn salt this show has been over for years
3 weeks ago
I dedicated a LOT of years to that damn show man while hoping for better, a grain of salt will always remain in me
(though not as many years as endgame which is... wild...)
3 weeks ago
Thankfully I got with the times that the mcu writers weren’t ever gonna do right by Bruce MUCH sooner than the years I had hoped the same for dean and sam
supernatural has this wild effect where like
things will be so shit for so long, but then for brief windows of time they'll actually be very good?? and compelling??
and it's literally JUST enough to get you reluctantly hoping again whether you want to or not
it's a constant bait and switch
at least mcu is consistently mid fast food garbage, spn is like trash trash trash trash, oh no Lebanon they bring back jeffrey dean morgan im weeping actual tears again, just kidding trash trash trash
3 weeks ago
They would sometimes write an amazing arc or episode, dangling good content right in front of us, just to snatch it away from us
alright I think I'm gonna make a run to the store, restock the caffeine that definitely isn't contributing to my sleep issues, then when I get back I'll bang out a couple tags before I hop back into commission stuff
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I don't Go Here but why did I watch just enough episodes to get the impression Dean's characterization was intended to be the anti-intellectual slob and Sam was supposed to be the long-suffering smartypants?
the store can wait for this rant
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Like I have been told this is Very Wrong but.
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
THAT'S THE SURFACE LEVEL IMPRESSION YOU GET IF YOU'VE SEEN, LIKE, 20 MINUTES OF THE SHOW PLAYING IN A WAITING ROOM and when they bring guest writers in you can tell that's about as much as they know
but actually watching it you realize Dean's the mother hen raging fandom nerd that likes to LARP and Sam's the secret anger management one
it's just that dean dropped out of highschool and devoted all his time to making sure Sam did well in school so he could go on to stanford, so there's a very 'i'm not the smart one, my brother is' type self-deprecation thing and
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Yeah Sam’s a surface-level nerd, but that man’s anger management issues?? OH BOY
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I am so weirded out that my limited experience with this show (and mostly absorbing it through memes and clips and the hot takes of complete randos) has led to this completely off base impression.
one day andie, im gonna sit you down for like. 5-6 episodes that will clarify ur understanding
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
OMG wait I didn't know that about either of them. Oh no, the brotherly love and sacrifice is too powerful.
3 weeks ago
To be fair, the bad writers fell back on those stereotypes
of why dean's the sad bi-coded shower mommy nerd and sam's the outwardly confident rageaholic with impulse control issues
yeah, the bad writers do fall back on those stereotypes and it's one of 5 reasons spn players complain about spn forgetting its own characterization
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I desperately need to do something to rehab my image of this show lollll. I feel like you told me, "Dean reads Vonnegut," and my first reaction was, "Dean reads???"
that's exactly the guest writer level understanding
let me just
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Aaaaaaaaaa lmao no fucking way
3 weeks ago
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Okay oh my god get your caffeine but yeah I know you mentioned possibly doing an SPN speedrun where everyone who plays a character chooses a couple eps that do their character the MOST justice, and I don't know if that's started or not but I might jump in on that.
3 weeks ago
Simplifying their characters also robs them of their heroism tbh, like yeah Sam is exceedingly kind and patient, but the REASON that’s impressive is bc he has so much anger and hatred in him
3 weeks ago
Writing Dean as a meathead reduces the fact that he’s incredibly emotionally intelligent and forms vital connections
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
Ooof that's such a compelling point, yeah.
3 weeks ago
Like yeah Dean is impulsive and sometimes aggressive, but ONLY writing that aspect of him really reduces his character
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaKeC-3WoAMGgwB?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaKeDVVXQAEA5Ju?format=jpg&name=large
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaKeDu7XYAIEK3x?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaKeD8kXYAAtWYf?format=jpg&name=large

okay bye for real
3 weeks ago
Which the writers loved to do sometimes
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
also of the two of them dean would be the one to (very enthusiastically) play dungeons & dragons and sam would be the one to mercilessly roast him for it and i feel like that is valuable character insight
3 weeks ago
i have caffeine, i have protein, let's see what we can make happen
3 weeks ago
Breathes heavily
blakeroo: why are u having asthma what are u over there breathing about
weaver → cian i can't tell if they kinda have vibes or not. it seems like they might have vibes, but.. texting memes, it's so hard to tell
i've also been trying to hear a voice for her in my head and i just keep going back to Erica Cerra, which is... not even remotely what the actress pb herself sounds like but i'm electing to roll with it anyway
just that perpetual vaguely hoarse kinda rasp feels right
3 weeks ago
sam and dean are just different kinds of nerds but they're both nerds
^ yeah honestly that's the tl;dr really
probably the biggest difference is just that sam is very confident with his intelligence thanks to formal education + higher education after high school so he flaunts it easily, and dean's is more self-taught, intuitive, hands-on, or emotional and he has 0 confidence in it whatsoever so he downplays it or doesn't believe he deserves any credit for it
...and also the fact that he's a raging fandom geek where sam just isn't, really
sam goes and does cardio while dean mainlines 4 episodes of star trek back to back
3 weeks ago
Yeah Sam’s not really a nerd about fandom stuff, more of a history nerd
history and serial killers lmao
he do be loving his true crime podcasts
3 weeks ago
Which he would argue is part of history lmao
to which dean would say: semantics shmemantics
tomorrow i'll work on the mod npc interaction thing with Reva
curious to see if he'll get any significant insights from it
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
You have no good ass, because you're going to be a dead ass! lmaoooo god that sent me
3 weeks ago
slapping out a phone tag during a room inspection like a champ lol
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
Jack and his Magical Cheeks or Rita the Not BatDog Not DogDog. actual lines in actual tags
3 weeks ago
I'd ping Jay for a Nanaue shoutout but I forget how many jays it is and mobile plurk is Unhelpful
this thread has been fucking absurd start to finish, i truly love rp
genuinely everything i ever hoped for when i wished for a castmate travis
dumb, unhinged nonsense
"The perfect character doesn't exi-"
Travis: “Oh Shit Oh Holy Shit What The Shit Rosa What The Holy Shit Girl You Flyin’ You Doing Some David Blaine Criss Angel Shit Up In Here Holy Shit Jack You Seein’ This Shit?!”
yall ever just
like, straight out the jar
or are u normal
3 weeks ago
I don't like olives but I eat pickles straight out of the jar
i have never willingly eaten an olive
olives taste like they hate you, which im kind of into
jar pickles are a solid second choice tho
there are gnats in my house and i do not know where they're coming from, except maybe possibly the air duct connected to the one that runs to the greenhouse?? i'm losing my entire fucking mind about it
am I going to have to seal that shit up during the tail end of summer??
or maybe my indoor houseplant??
i don't think so?? i have poured both bleach and boiling water down the drains within the last week on separate occasions
maybe i could just be real extra and get some drain cleaner to let hang out in there for a while just in case but
surely the bleach would have been enough
3 weeks ago
I eat olives out of the jar I'm with you
Thank you Noa, I knew I could count on solidarity from u
3 weeks ago
sometimes if I'm really feeling feisty I have olives and a block of cheese in the other hand
I shit you not I got a pack of cheese cubes a few days ago exactly for this
A couple olives, a couple cheese cubes, ur all set
Throw in a handful of grapes to round it out if you're really snacky
Annnnnd the fucking power is out again, why does it feel like that's been happening every other week this summer? They need to get their fucking shit together, man. I guess I'll go take a nap.
3 weeks ago
hell yeah
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
oh noooo not the power tho
Genuinely bonkers. I was gonna make chicken pasta for dinner tonight. Much lame
is it a storm or like, too many ACs going at once?
Pretty sure it was storm related, though the weak ass baby bitch storm we had for barely an hour shouldn't have been enough to knock anything out
But ac has been a default thing around here for over a decade, and the population is so low I doubt it could ever really be an overload thing. I could be wrong but
3 weeks ago
Holiday weekend probably means they don't want to send out too many folks because $$$$
Shit you probably right
3 weeks ago
it came back up finally, one thing i gotta give them credit for is they always consistently overshoot their estimates by like 3 or 4 hours so it's always a pleasant surprise when it kicks back on lmfao but still like
4-5 hours of outage is just stupid
especially for like the fourth fucking time this season
yeh i assume they all overestimate on purpose
yeah it's a solid tactic but like
appalachian power company needs to make some infrastructure improvements for fucking real
shit's annoying
asked about ACs bc we would get brownouts/blackouts in my old neighborhood every year like all my life around august, but we were definitely more populous
yeah that isn't so much a thing here, I think we're too rural for it, even when it's like -13 and everybody's running their heat full blast it we don't get brownouts like that
honestly it's USUALLY just snowstorms that knock us out, or at least it was before i moved to arizona five, six years ago. this year's been unprecedently stupid
idk what gives
it's also always just those 2 specific chunks of the map that go down every time
I don't know if that means anything
hell maybe you're right, but it would be news to me
andie 🍳
3 weeks ago
I should really like... start paying attention at work when everyone around me is talking about power grids and resource adequacy and reliability metrics.
legit might come in handy one day, you never know
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