3 weeks ago
October (?) Personal Plotting!
latest #290
3 weeks ago
I'M FINALLY GETTING TO POST THE NEFARIOUS PLANS. the inmate shenanigans were not the long promised nefarious plans, oh no. Now this plan has a lot of potential points of failure but I hope you'll enjoy seeing it all laid out
3 weeks ago
You may wanna delete/repost any replies before I say I am done because I could have just written a paste, but no, I think this will be most easily read as a series of plurk replies
3 weeks ago
- ancillaries as Walter, THE INMATE
- ihdreniel as Misty Fucking Quigley, THE VICTIM
- maniette as Arthur Lester, THE WOUND
- tinwateringcan as John Silver, THE BROTHER IN ARMS
- justghosts as Jesus, THE PROXY
- onemuon as Pyotr Stepanovich, THE SUCCESSOR
- magicom as Malcolm Bright, THE WARDEN
3 weeks ago
So for those of you playing along at home, in TLV, Walter is from Season 2 of Yellowjackets, Misty and formerly Natalie are from season 1. In his timeline, Walter killed a man to frame him for two murders he believed Misty had committed.
3 weeks ago
Furthermore, Misty was in a plane crash with Natalie and Lottie and others where it's (correctly ) inferred they were forced to resort to cannibalism, and long story short it's Walter's (mostly incorrect) inference that Natalie and Lottie used their cult to cruelly forced Misty to go through that all over again
3 weeks ago
Therefore, seeing Misty in TLV where she plans to wish away one murder and not the second one, which she's still very secretive about even on the barge, Walter fully believes that she'll be screwed over and this is a cult, and many other events have fully reinforced this perception of his
3 weeks ago
So all this time he's been thinking "how can I save Misty." Especially when even on the barge her ultimate bond was with her Canonmate Natalie. And gradually the intrusive thoughts became clearer and clearer. There is only one solution

And that is to present her with a pie cooked from Arthur Lester's flesh.
3 weeks ago
My original vision for this was
* This is triggered by a flood in some way, not necessarily reduced inhibitions but even his thoughts being revealed would be enough
* Walter deliberately deceives Pyotr about where he is so he doesn't get in his way and get implicated
3 weeks ago
* John Silver helps him jump Arthur because jumping Arthur is going to be fuckin hard, he's getting his ass kicked. Walter's mostly hoping for a few inches scrap of skin, honestly. I mean John Silver isn't bringing an overwhelming amount of physical strength to the table either. They Would Try
3 weeks ago
* The Flesh Is Cooked In Jesus' Kitchen. Sorry Man
* Malcolm is just getting pinged because he's the warden and would have to react to all this
3 weeks ago
ALRIGHT... END OF CONCEPT, THE PEOPLE CAN REPLY NOW... again, I don't want to make any assumptions of how people would act, I just thought laying it out to all major proposed players at once would lead to the most productive discussion of ideas
3 weeks ago
A lot of stuff has been happening since I first started conceptualizing this idea. Like Malcolm literally telling Walter it's a major issue he treats this place like the real world. And Allan and Ken jumping Silver senselessly. Honestly the most positive development
3 weeks ago
is that the total lack of downside might lead to Pyotr being in on it, which is good because I felt freaking bad about Walter letting him down after Trevor let him down
Pyotr's next reply to August thread will be of interest
3 weeks ago
At this point, things are so bad on the barge that this plot could happen even without a flood, like he's running out of time to distract Malcolm from the "fact" that this is literally a cult he hates with his whole soul that took the woman he loves and scooped her brain out with a spoon
3 weeks ago
Yeah this just happened naturally and I was like. Ok
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
man if franky gets enough hints of walter's whole deal she would be like 'yeah of course company phones was a trial balloon, and also I'm so invested in custodial because it gives me an excuse to be everywhere but unremarkable. and the coins get me in to examine people's cabins, in theory'
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
tldr she's waiting to get approached in person
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
i mean maybe not ALL of that immediately
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
but yeah girl would be on board for secrets lol
3 weeks ago
this would go better in the other plurk but I'm so happy
3 weeks ago
But yes ... Walter's parasocial relationship with Frankie is so real... They will meet and it will be dramatic
3 weeks ago
Also at the time in the timeline of "August thread", Walter just knew the two had jumped Silver and it seemed to not be bad, but by now Ken's graduation has been announced and he's just like. WELP!!!!!!
3 weeks ago
Basically I've been working on getting my ducks in a row so I could make this post. And then I'll be chilling for a bit and continuing to use discipline and stay on top of tags. And THEN Frankie and Yelena in queue
3 weeks ago
Also it is important information: can I get Frankie's height in a number (including whether there are boots or heels or anything)
3 weeks ago
Will's reaction to all this is gonna be
3 weeks ago
omg I love this
3 weeks ago
I'm not sure Silver would be up for straight up murder and cannibalism unless Walter has a REALLY good argument
3 weeks ago
Like...he knew Walter would probably be building up to some manner of major disaster, but why always cannibalism?
3 weeks ago
So like if pretty much every scenario Arthur kicks his ass, I am okay with that. Just let's think about alternative ways to progress the other ideas somehow
3 weeks ago
He's still in his "violence is for protecting yourself and others by proving you're too scary to casually fuck with" era
3 weeks ago
On the other hand if Walter has a personal "he hurt one of my people" argument ready, Silver would help
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
hmmm she's not like, super tall or super short for a woman
فك يو
3 weeks ago
"And that is to present her with a pie cooked from Arthur Lester's flesh." THE NOISE I MADE, this is fucking hilarious
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
say 5'5 in socks, 5'6 in her little running boots
فك يو
3 weeks ago
even if arthur ends up kicking his ass and it doesn't go down as walter hopes, hilarious
3 weeks ago
SILVER THAT'S VALID. well basically Walters perspective is that he needs to jump Arthur (not necessarily lethally. He is pretty sure that might straight up not be nonmagically possible) to get back at him for his role in driving Misty completely crazy and
3 weeks ago
He would try to be very secretive about the fact that cannibalism is involved. Because That Is Between Him And Misty
3 weeks ago
Like, realistically, even if you are sympathetic to Walter's viewpoint, when you look at everyone else that could also be "blamed for brainwashing Misty",vit is objectively true that he just has a grudge against Arthur for the stupidest interaction reasons
3 weeks ago
Though also he seems to be slightly more accessible since Pagan went home and John Doe is a... Thing
Arthur Lester is, realistically, like also in some sense or another 50% thing but well he'll cross that bridge when he gets to it
3 weeks ago
So yeah I could see an interaction happening like
Walter: hey Silver, hypothetically if I were going to jump someone... In some way... Hypothetically... would that be a cool bro thing to do together
Silver: ...........Walter, maybe you should keep this to yourself and not screw yourself over
Walter: ... you know what, sounds fair
3 weeks ago
THANK YOU FOR FRANKIE HEIGHT. Walter is only 5'6" so this is relevant to interactions
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Erskine would laugh so much to learn about this. Walter moves up in his estimation.
3 weeks ago
Walter. Honey. You need to figure out your target’s weaknesses and how to use them to give yourself an advantage, not just jump them in a dark alley.
3 weeks ago
Yelena he understands if you just fuckin give up on him after this. He knows it is not smart. Maybe Pyotr will have an idea on how to do it less fuckin stupid
3 weeks ago
OH one reply was hidden. Yeah post "Hell Flood", Walter is going to consider his Canonmate status with Misty more of an open secret
3 weeks ago
I'm going to need to try to figure out if silver mentioned anyone of his own (Madi??) because that could be relevant. In general really
3 weeks ago
Erskine appreciates deranged maniacs. He feels Walter has some of the right energy so is supportive of seeing it confirmed. trying to jump Arthur randomly isn't a good idea but the rest of it: always nice to see a loyal friend
3 weeks ago
Like when I say jump him I do think he'd have a fairly better idea than. The hallway. Because they run into each other from time to time and it's pretty freaking chill. But currently Walter does not have good resources so if he doesn't get them and flood makes him snap
3 weeks ago
Then welp, shank and hope for the best
3 weeks ago
So yeah ideas for resources are also welcome
3 weeks ago
Erskine: what's important is always trying to reach a friend <3
pyotr has the drugs + nie huaisang way way back in april or so, before he left, gave pyotr some talismans he never used. gels said i could make them do whatever i wanted, so pyotr does have some resources <3333
3 weeks ago
if walter has one of those, they can def do something better than "just jump him in hallway"
3 weeks ago
"a friend" is the most hilarious part of all this. Walter is going to stubbornly maintain the whole time that Misty being romantically committed to one or more people who are not him, is chill and he is "helping" in a way that is not romantically inflected
3 weeks ago
(Erskine, "i believe you, thousands wouldn't")
also is walter looking to get away with this?
he's not, right? like he doesnt care if he's caught?
3 weeks ago
It is hard to say. Like there's a part of him that wants Arthur to know Walter fucked with him and also just thinks it would be impossible to hide, especially depending on the degree to which the malevolent cast can use psychic abilities (including psychic ones but Walter doesn't know) AND
3 weeks ago
That thinks Misty could not be satisfied in the same way if this were not more permanently linked to Arthur, BUT pyotr thinking hey maybe we can actually hide this and intimidate others about it
3 weeks ago
would encourage him, particularly as a condition of cooperation in the first place
3 weeks ago
But yeah Walter is like... Do not like the possible consequences for other people but in terms of what happens to me I kinda don't care
pyotr doesnt want his name to be linked to the mess, thats his condition of cooperation. if walter wants to blow up his public image, thats his choice <3
3 weeks ago
Yeah also I've been talking with various people about this... Walter's public image is kind of getting him nothing at this point
pyotr still values his
but suspects its already lost
being an accomplice at least fits with the narrative ('fake redemption arc') of being a pathetic people pleaser
if in the worst case scenario walter does tattle on him.... pyotr can also try to threaten him about that too, so walter can see more of his dark side
3 weeks ago
Yeah Walter is kinda exasperated with, from his perspective, extremely reasonable criticisms of the barge overall and his warden specifically as Cruel Petty Warden Hating
Walter. Mah man. Malcolm will be a lot more comfortable with you when he's just trying to deal with a murderer.
But also he sees the love-bombing now as a technique to manipulate him (he's not sure to what end or if Walter even knows why beyond wanting to be in control) and so he's going to be watching him differently.
3 weeks ago
Walter honestly thinks Malcolm was love bombing him
3 weeks ago
Fff Jesus
3 weeks ago
I'm losing it at the inferred mental image of Trevor rolling out of bed, squinting at his communicator displaying Walter's YouTube white wall apology, and groaning and going back to sleep
3 weeks ago
Because he will make one. That is a critical step
3 weeks ago
Pyotr's new comment where he proposed it's an experiment to see who graduates sooner... Yeah at this point, with Ken's graduation confirmed, Walter 100% thinks he'll graduate sooner. And sadly that might even still be true cause Pyotr is STUBBORN lol
3 weeks ago
He is so lost.
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
If things went differently Walter would just say this to Arthur and move on with his day
3 weeks ago
(Arthur literally is keeping it to himself, Walter)
3 weeks ago
Honestly one of the last things driving him over the edge has been Malcolm driving him super crazy while still technically doing almost nothing and he's like "ah yes this must have happened to Misty"
He'd be doing more IF YOU LET HIM, WALT.
But he's very intrigued by your new (temporary) friend.
فك يو
3 weeks ago
a very funny aspect of this is that apparently when all this hits the fan, arthur is going to approach misty and ask if she's doing okay (as per maniette last month, anyway; idk if that's changed)
3 weeks ago
Currently we have not heard new reaction from Mani yet. Natural being in Australia. I wanna reiterate this is obviously contingent on the player's consent lol
3 weeks ago
But does still seem pretty likely
3 weeks ago
For that part of the reaction to happen
3 weeks ago
I mean more like Malcolm hasn't done almost anything materially bad but Walter still feels like he's going crazy, similar to how Arthur within Walter's knowledge was mostly just like... Existing... Liking Natalie better and thinking Misty's surveys were creepy and dumb... And I mean he got shot and was a victim... Which is bad
OH yes.
3 weeks ago
But with the end result of overall badge experiences Misty being so broken down within Walter's biased perspective, Walter just kinda like you know what. Yeah
3 weeks ago
Walter really is feeling like he's totally losing control because his scheming to improve the barge, rather than improving the barge, is very close to getting the hammer brought down on him as a bad evil schemer
3 weeks ago
And he's clearly supposed to eventually snap and do a murder like SO MANY inmates
So Misty's choice of deal is the only remaining thing he can try to influence/control
3 weeks ago
Also people keep saying "a murder" and I want to emphasize Walter is very open to the attack occurring in a way where Arthur is left alive, which in some ways is worse! So I was joking with Mani a little while ago when someone was saying "be more creative" CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR
YEAH you can eat people WITHOUT killing them!!
3 weeks ago
I think everyone but Walter will hope that Misty does not eat the people part and therefore no cannibalism will occur
3 weeks ago
Even Walter's accomplices, either he will try to keep them unaware, or they might be like "...does he really have to do that part..."
3 weeks ago
Also. Unfortunately. Jesus I love you but if this occurs during a port, Walter can probably get his own kitchen/fire access
3 weeks ago
lol I'd love for the aftermath because Jesus has run across cannibals before but you do what you gotta do
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
hi that ping didn't go off for some reason but I am here for ALL OF THIS
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
holy shit "a pie cooked from Arthur Lester's flesh" fucking sent me
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
Arthur is not in and of himself a supernatural fighter, but he's scrappy as hell and would absolutely put Walter in his place
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
the real trick is making sure he doesn't cast Summon John Doe after the first hit
3 weeks ago
I just realized you may not be aware that Walter literally fell in love with Misty over Sweeney Todd.
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
God that's so fucking incredible
3 weeks ago
Okay I found this again. Yeah Arthur being able to turn into a tiger is Walter's most imminent concern. Also because tiger flesh is Not The Same
3 weeks ago
Now you might hear "fell in love over Sweeney Todd" and think, like, they watched it together or something
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
"It's like I told you: I-I sought you out from Citizen Detective because I wanted to work with the brilliant investigative mind that is Agent AfricanGrey. [awkwardly] And because you dropped a Sweeney Todd reference in one of your posts."
3 weeks ago
He read her reddit post. Where she mentioned the Sweeney Todd musical about cannibalism. And then combined with everything else cool about her true crime posts. Fell in love with her. AND STILL NEVER DMED HER
3 weeks ago
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
Ihdreniel yeah like if Walter starts acting Fucking Weird he'd check in with Misty to see if she's being harassed by him, and then probably Malcolm magicom to be like "hey your inmate's being a fucking creep can you uhhhh talk to him maybe"
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
tho if Walter just tries to fucking stab him or something he'll definitely adjust his priorities
3 weeks ago
omg, that's why the pie?! XD ah, that's amazing.
3 weeks ago
Yeah currently Walter and Misty have what they (both?????) see as a healthy and healing rapport so from Arthur and Misty's perspective it would be more like "Walter just tried to stab him. ???????"
Yes pls Arthur give him a heads up
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
I feel like above everything else Arthur is going to be 1, offended, and 2, embarrassed that he didn't notice Walter was a high-key murderous little freak sooner, he's giving giving him the benefit of the doubt
3 weeks ago
Walter would like it if the benefit of the doubt from any of these wardens went with a little more "maybe the barge is bad" and a little less "what are you, a murderer (like almost literally everyone on the barge)"
Maybe the Barge isn't as bad as you're making it out to be and murders are on the people who do the murders and not on the Barge.
Malcolm. They all just literally got sent to hell so that Hanna could learn not to be dumb?
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
as an aside Walter will also struggle to get a layer of skin off of arthur, bc he is a 1930s Detective and thus wearing a full 3-piece at all times
That's. bad!
It's not the best, but it's not the WORST.
فك يو
3 weeks ago
"Walter really is feeling like he's totally losing control because his scheming to improve the barge, rather than improving the barge, is very close to getting the hammer brought down on him as a bad evil schemer"
فك يو
3 weeks ago
this is ALSO similar in many ways to misty "i do horrifying things with the best of intentions" quigley's inmate arc
3 weeks ago
Walter: I'm pretty much the only murder-slash-maiming that isn't on the barge, honestly
فك يو
3 weeks ago
a solid half of her bad inmate actions were done out of spite, but the other half were her bumbling around and being blindsided by poor reactions
Pyotr too....
being blindsided by poor reactions
3 weeks ago
Walter is at least familiar with the skin liability because he's all I'M WEARING A SUIT WALTER, though face is a good target for psychological pain anyway
3 weeks ago
Walter really is losing his mind because he thinks it couldn't possibly be more obvious that he was trusting the process and then many different things happened that were either bad or just made Walter trust Malcolm less
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
"he's all IM WEARING A SUIT WALTER" I cackled irl, Walter
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
sometimes people wear suits, walter
3 weeks ago
Walter is trying not to be as dumb as Jacob Seed but he at least thinks his actions have a clear possibly good and lasting outcome (Misty changing her deal) compared to "revenge on Abel"
3 weeks ago
Yeah and then they don't do that at the cult compound in 2021 so!!
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
I am excited to see how Walter gets around Arthur being a better (more aggressive and feral) fighter than him, who can turn into a tiger and summon a god, and has custom-made gloves from Jedao that can knock people unconscious almost instantly
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
like, odds are stacked against him and I'm very genuinely invested in seeing this little freak fly
her bumbling around and being blindsided by poor reactions <--Malcolm's Warden journey too tbh
Yet no respect from Walter
He's just one of the inexplicable bad reactions
3 weeks ago
Walter is going to be looking for materials over time especially because he only knows for sure about the tiger thing but well
In canon he seriously just
Runs up to a cop out of nowhere. Takes the cop's gun. Fires it at a corpse. Raises the gun at the cop
3 weeks ago
He rolled a 20 on initiative I guess
3 weeks ago
This cop is pretty stupid and he knows Arthur is not that stupid
Initiative is a good quality! Most of the time!
3 weeks ago
Maybe he'll just go to Erskine like "hey hypothetically what's the adept magic for someone to not turn into a tiger"
3 weeks ago
Malcolm really is straight up "am I out of touch? No, it's the inmates who are wrong"
Not all of the inmates. One that he knows of. And not about everything. Just some pretty big things.
Pyotr: but he's right about the Barge
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
the tiger charm is on a bracelet, at a glance it looks like a leather wristwatch
3 weeks ago
Does "at a glance" mean that there's some kind of tell that could still be seen? Since the escape room is a decent opportunity for Walter to try to observe any knickknacks
3 weeks ago
Like that it has some tiger carving or something
3 weeks ago
I might need to make a list of examples of big and small things that made Walter think Malcolm is just plain not wise since it could be in the double digits at this point
3 weeks ago
Me like... Sadly reading Will and Malcolm's psychobabble about Walter. Because it is valid from their perspective but. Just manifesting this means they can meaningfully engage with the cult idea
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
the bracelet is really easy to see if Arthur reaches up, it's close to his wrist and it's easy to identify that there's no actual watch face on it. so easy for Walter to ask about!
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
the gloves are less indicative, because Arthur is always wearing a pair of black, leather-looking gloves
pyotr and arthur, both always wearing suits and leather gloves...
allen too
(allen walker)
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
(the gloves are a gift from Jedao, they basically have knock-out and murder settings, and can also be made back into bracelets, all with simple hand gestures. Arthur is rarely bare-handed bc he has a wooden finger that's literally rooted into his hand and doesn't want anyone to use it against him)
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
honestly the best plan is probably to slip him a sedative somehow
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
so he just goes to sleep and can't use any of his shit
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
like, ultimate paranoia play, put him in a room with zero-dampening so he can't call John and sedate him
3 weeks ago
Walter is definitely seriously considering using a drug, because he really does have confidence he could get Arthur to e.g. eat poorly sourced food, but in the other hand if he has some magical means to resist that, it would be very embarrassing
3 weeks ago
Wouldn’t any occupied cabin that doesn’t have John on the cabin filter block that?
3 weeks ago
He is expecting no acceptance from Malcolm with any genuine concern at this point lol Malcolm literally told him to just accept this isn't the real world...
3 weeks ago
Walter does not... Know... Pretty much any of this stuff about cabins lol he went through multiple floods where there was nothing special about cabins
3 weeks ago
For that matter he also doesn't know that "teleport to zero isn't something the admiral is willing to do", his impression is the opposite (there's an infinitesimal distinction where you can teleport immediately outside and then push them in the last few inches)
3 weeks ago
btw keep forgetting to explicitly mention this but YET ANOTHER FACTOR is suspecting Misty's deal is soon
In that the laws of his world don’t apply, not in that the things that happen there don’t happen!
This is what he means by actively taking everything he says in the worst light and bad faith.
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
I think bc of the way Arthur And John Specifically are intertwined, if Arthur is in a room that doesn't explicitly block John, then John has access, bc there is literally a part of him in Arthur at all times bc of eldritch bullshit
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
shits weird when you are canonically narratively entangled
3 weeks ago
technically their title is one they share as one
3 weeks ago
I mean, yes, he was reasonably hopeful that Malcolm meant "completely different from the past environment" but in the context of disregarding his extremely reasonable concerns about Shaw, very culty and terrifying
3 weeks ago
Like a place where A Lil Unreality is normal is bad! It is bad and it is for crazy people!
Well, he has been called crazy....
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
You know freaking what. Because I pinged vil in here. Alex and I were talking about deals and I actually think, taking for granted that there is a fairly high degree of flexibility in going home from the barge and therefore Walter could live in basic peace and quiet and not jail and have reasonable access to whatever loved ones would still be appropriate
3 weeks ago
That his #1 idea if someone came up him like "hey I have absolutely no idea what to do with my latest deal. I'm thinking I might wish for a daemon or immortality or something. What do you think" would be for Jesus to live. Apparently wardens don't get to just live for free. What a ripoff!
lol nope. Archer and Zack both needed deals to live
3 weeks ago
Rubs face. I'm still trying to progress SMID thread ASAP but. I'm having weird "is the weekend... MEMORIAL Day weekend... Free time..." weasels.
Currently my priorities are
3 weeks ago
- that
- reply to John Silver and Petya, important for his headspace
- general inbox topliness
- Will evidence from letter
- reward with new Frankie and Yelena threads
3 weeks ago
Walter does think more and more that the constant network drama about the actual FTF drama on the boat is very intentional
2 weeks ago
awwww Walter ;;
2 weeks ago
O walter
If you went to boarding school you’d know that drama is what naturally happens when disparate personalities are forced to live in close quarters for a prolonged time and none of them is actually in charge but some have nominally more responsibility than others.
pyotr went to boarding school too
and was bullied
just one of many things that makes him hate the barge a whole lot
is its likeness to boarding school
2 weeks ago
I mean specifically the fact that it's very conventional to have audio and visual conference calls about violent crimes is something that Walter finds very different from "real life" (AS IN NORMIE WORLD) and believes to have this weird kind of... Stockholm Syndrome effect in context?
2 weeks ago
Taking as a given that the wardens are actively complicit in the maintenance of the ship (which is very true in the context of three ships event) having to see and hear them all the time, these people you see every day and eat lunch with
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
This whole thing is golden
2 weeks ago
Like "oh :[ I'm sorry you and three of your friends got brutally murdered. Well [that's really Hanna's fault / the murderer was my brother in a breach/ the murderer has his enabler Canonmate to keep an eye on him] so cheer up. Have a nice day, I brought snacks"
2 weeks ago
It's really psychologically "what..."
2 weeks ago
Yeah! What happens at movie club is supposed to stay at movie club!
2 weeks ago
no it's SO GOOD i am popcorning i am living i am snooping
onemuon: those exact things are what make Malcolm and Norton feel like it’s a normal display of human nature XD
i mean people being shitty is pretty normal, but apparently if you say that people are shitty and its bad when they have power over you, you hate wardens. also its like boarding school but also with magic and semi-regular torture events and unreality
Malcolm like u guys didn’t have that in boarding school?
2 weeks ago
Walter. Well I gotta use my headcanon here but he. Was probably not literally never bullied. But through various factors he was basically ok and no one was just doing some insane traumatizing things to him
2 weeks ago
Can't emphasize enough that the barge IS the bad thing that happened to him
2 weeks ago
- home environment was a little weird but certainly very stable and not deprived in a way where he'd be at higher risk of abuse by depending on a friend, job, or other adult
- and could instead isolate himself there when mentally necessary
- not a boarding school
- no one at his school/etc happened to be that crazy
im sure there was a little bit of torture at russian boarding schools, actually kropotkin wrote about some of the hazing that went on at his
but thats still a far cry from getting maimed and murdered
literal hell
2 weeks ago
oh no, literal hell is worse. That was just the Otherworld
2 weeks ago
Nobody has explained the Otherworld ic afaik though I did have SMID refer to the "other world" (different). Hanna called it, I believe publicly, "a trial for sinners" so yeah literally literal hell is a pretty reasonable take
2 weeks ago
That said technically it was only peak badness for one day, though you could argue days 5-6 were pretty bad so three days
2 weeks ago
Like, the monsters can have their own backstory, lies, whatever. So SMID thinks she is from the other / another world where "all of us" are monsters
2 weeks ago
(not all people. All of us)
2 weeks ago
But yeah I don't think the monsters were explicitly told or programmed to believe that they're from the silent Hill otherworld. So yeah. Walter does not know
2 weeks ago
you know what I should really do is make a cheat sheet for the public info from Hanna's post
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
I do have... actual tags to do...
Malcolm's night terrors have been horror shows of his worst fears and the most depraved things he's witnessed combined since he was a pre-teen so that flood wasn't the best because it pinged some specific traumas, but like. It's fine now that it's done. It was a bad night terror, but he's awake now.
2 weeks ago
tbh, when he said something very similar about Nightmare Flood 1 (April 2024), Walter was kind of :'] ok I see that our meeting, which you claim to have not even forgotten, was not significant to you, but at this point he thinks if he ever explains this Malcolm will attack it as yet another "bad faith assumption"
Their meeting in the dream?
When they were kids visiting Gran and Martin in prison?
He said he tends to block things out from those, but once Walter said it, he remembered. It was significant to him that Walter made the effort to save his life, but he hasn't brought it up because he isn't sure how Walter would react.
He hasn't had good results in the realm of bringing up stuff.
2 weeks ago
Yes when he said "Oh. It was just... basically a normal dream for me. Except for having someone my age to talk to," Walter heard that as "it was whatever" though by now Malcolm is so... himself... that Walter is aware he probably seriously thought something else that was not literally just "whatever"
It was definitely not 'whatever'
it was the memorable part in an otherwise normal horror show dream.
He would definitely say so if it comes up between them, that he appreciated what Walter did for him.
But he won't spontaneously bring it up because at this point he tries to just stay on topic.
2 weeks ago
that is basically what Walter has concluded seeing how desperate Malcolm is to fix things with him but in terms of his actual priorities there were several signs like not questioning how Walter knew about the surgeon or where his grandma had come from so he thinks either Malcolm has a low priority or Malcolm is just very impaired by his trauma conditions
He is very impaired and he did tell Walter that he needs him to just say what he means and tell him plainly what he wants.
And he does not feel that has been helping based on how lost he feels XD
2 weeks ago
so like fortunately this is... semi likely... to come up and get through to Walter... I have plans I swear...
2 weeks ago
as in I can see the trajectory for Malcolm to confront Walter in general and then Walter brings this up and then Malcolm gets through to him I... HOPE...
Also he thinks your horse lady friend is fascinating.
2 weeks ago
God I only just thought again about how Walter kills the cop in canon with drugged hot cocoa (he just also has to shoot the corpse with the other cop's gun later for reasons)
2 weeks ago
So yeah this is within the realm of possibility for stuff for him to try on Arthur
Mrs. Sheepie
2 weeks ago
Omg Walter that hits a little close to home for Malcolm XD
He’s gonna get to that part of Walter’s file and be like omg that’s why this little guy gives me the heebie jeebies.
2 weeks ago
Hey it is fast and painless and not making the guy question reality for the rest of his life
Walter N O
2 weeks ago
Walter why not
2 weeks ago
it is so funny to me that this whole time Walter still has no idea Lark threatened to read Arthur's file. but soon he might find out about Misty's terror at the possibility that Arthur would for most intents and purposes get access to her file, i.e. because of JD and Natalie
Mrs. Sheepie
2 weeks ago
^ ironically this is the reason Arthur tells her about memshares to begin with. she was so insistent that he not learn anything about her, so when he does without her knowledge it feels duplicitous to keep that to himself
2 weeks ago
ME CRYING BECAUSE WALTER HAS NO IDEA THIS IS THE REASONING it would change a lot if he knew, though it might be too late
2 weeks ago
the wheels are a-turnin'
2 weeks ago
I love this soap opera
2 weeks ago
there is still time for Lark content. I've been slippin a bit. I havent even done my Frankie and Yelena starters like I have wanted. but port Lark could happen
2 weeks ago
I'm down for that! I've been busy packing and not tagging and might be slow most of this month but we can make something happen
2 weeks ago
yeah Im currently not sure what my September-to-October transition is gonna look like so I'm a little "eep" but. our hearts are in it
2 weeks ago
Jesus Christ. We Sure Are All Thinking About Arthur Getting Shot Lately Huh
2 weeks ago
allikateor (sorry when you have to scroll through all this) it would be so funny if Walter and Nana ended up closer because of this
lmao the thing is, Nana doesn't give a SHIT about Arthur
Mrs. Sheepie
2 weeks ago
lmao, yeah. Arthur's mostly like "this is my boyfriend's problem"
2 weeks ago
it took me a minute to realize this was probably not "you're on your own JD" but "Nana is wardened by Sheehan"
Mrs. Sheepie
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
I'm doing a good job smoothing down my inbox!! I think I will be ready to make unified September commentary tomorrow!
1 weeks ago
This came up in another plurk so just a reminder that the timing of this might be moved around due to metaplot event. I expect it's not much longer until we get the info, so yeah, keep your eyes peeled
فك يو
1 weeks ago
we're doing event info/plotting posts in piecemeal rather than all at once, fyi! so september port stuff is coming soon, but october stuff is still a ways off
فك يو
1 weeks ago
(though fwiw - i of course can't say whether or not walter still would do any of this under october's Circumstances(tm), but i can say that nothing in what we have in the books would make him doing this impossible or more difficult)
فك يو
1 weeks ago
(in terms of outside circumstances, i mean)
1 weeks ago
thank you! yeah not having it all at once makes sense. just even a small amount of info will help me some. Life Is Just A Lot Right Now
فك يو
1 weeks ago
if you need to chat with us at any point to help you in your decision-making, let us know! this game is run on personal plots, with game plots really just existing to be tools for people to use for said personal plots, so we can privately give you whatever info you need to help keep walter's stuff from getting derailed
1 weeks ago
Yeah it's no problem. I think I'll probably reach out around the time the info goes up, though 90% because I'll need to be in dialogue about the Alpha to Beta transition, and I've waited this long to give myself at least a little more enjoyment surprised by the Alpha info
فك يو
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
Rolling very slowly. I think poison dart inside a piece of food is the funniest way to go. Just the sheer "what the fuck, you fed me a needle???" of it all. Not to mention foodborne substances could act slower than needle borne
فك يو
1 weeks ago
also very mistycoded
1 weeks ago
Injection of it all
I'm sorry everyone I'm so freaking tired lmao I don't know what happened. I mean I do know but I'm like damn why is my energy like 1/3 of where I want it to be
1 weeks ago
mood... sorry you're dealing with the energy depletion. hang in there!
Mrs. Sheepie
1 weeks ago
ingesting poison is bad enough with or without the needle, that's just like. the tip of the iceberg, haha
1 weeks ago
`phenobarbital. Surprisingly fast acting|
1 weeks ago
Frick. It's supposed to be a chonky quote
1 weeks ago
It is a quote from canon
Mrs. Sheepie
1 weeks ago
walter you are a terrifying little weirdo
Mrs. Sheepie
6 days ago
so i looked it up out of curiosity and Arthur would in fact know of Sweeney Todd
Mrs. Sheepie
6 days ago
at least in the context of "a fictional story that was based on/became an urban legend, in my grandparents' time"
6 days ago
Sweeney Todd, the hook hand man of the 1860s
6 days ago
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