→ ( 09/01 misc. ) accepted to sing!
https://images.plurk.com/5RK8mMG6DE3yDQlW4EN8LU.png https://images.plurk.com/4qHl6KJTxz4sFQVThfrJqs.png
latest #95
egg salty aura.
3 weeks ago
reunited once again
crowbars: HEY BUDDY LMAO been a while!!
also mfw i'm looking at the character housing and notice there's an empty gas station
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
& i ran across this on reddit the other day and yes, this is the mentality I try to come at Sandor's characterization from:
is it necessarily grrm's vision? i could not say. but it's the perspective that makes him a very compelling rp character to me
very hype 2 be picking up my guy again
me out here waiting for the adhd meds to kick in so i can do actual brain thinking
i have 2.5 commissions on the docket to complete today
welcome officially to the frozen hellscape!!
taintedcrimson: THANKS BUD i want u to know if u wanna make that TDM thread canon, Sandor will already have a nickname for her lined up next time they interact
I'm excited to learn this nickname. she can add it to her lengthy list.
hell yeah lmao
rp shit I need to do this week:
-reva starter for the mod npc interaction
-harass nri about michael swinging by dean's domain
i fully failed july quests for both my dudes because of my july garbageness so I may... hold off on doing those again in september, depending on what they are, but it's tdm month in abraxas and we have like 10+ available slots so I'm hoping we get a ton of new blood. I plan to tag out and around on it a fair bit with both guys if so
aight, quick fill commission done and the dude commissioning the rp can't schedule it until later so i think i can focus on a tag or two
jack → travis this is my gift to u, heather
please feel free to whip rita out at a later time at ur leisure
I do want to argue a little with that person in that screenshot but I will not take over your plurk to do it (LOL) (they misinterpreted "we all enjoy doing what we're good at" "I don't" with Jon.)
benefit of the doubt maybe they're like me and they're less familiar with Jon's deal than with Sandor's, but I happily concede to ur expertise
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
if u want the thread so you can debate them, here u go lol
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
I personally have only actually finished the first book and haven't started on the next yet, what I know of book canon all revolves around mr dogfaced asshole here basically
jack → jerry honestly jerry vehemently campaigning to be rep only to spend the entire time brainstorming ten thousand proposal ideas without actually submitting a proposal in the end
kind of tracks lmfao
3 weeks ago
beautiful surprise! Rita for both my characters
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
to very opposite long term end results i think lmao bc Rita will probably always antagonize Lucifer but I think she will slowly become kind of fond of Travis just like Jack is lmao
2 long-time enemies coming together, how beautiful
one day the DogBat may even protec him
jack → kyle i hope he keeps that forever
o also jack's power gain was accepted so we get giant dragon rita in thorne sometimes now
under the bed
paingravy: i turned in july quests for jack and sansa and they accepted it
i think it might actually be too late for me to turn mine in since we did it separately but that's okay
i ain't stressin it too hard, but nice to know!!
the message i got was "you and your team get the reward"
which implies you got it too
high five bro
i may be being too hard on myself about it all just because I still feel guilty for disappearing in july but
yeah 2 dollars is 2 dollars
kyle did you really just fully drop trou on the deck
people keep doing that around him and he does not know why
altho by 'people' i mean 'also jerry' and maybe that shouldn't even count
literally mostly just his roommates
i mean idk how many roommates u have had but none of mine have ever just gone fully naked in front of me
actually that's a lie i lived in a party house once
look he grew up in communal housing with all men, he would rather be comfortable than sit around in soaking wet medieval undies
more power to him man
make him another pair of underwear pls
jack grew up in like 30 different foster homes, no foster kid trusts another foster kid enough to strip in front of them, but he's cool with it
that's fair
technically he has seen it all before lmfao
3 weeks ago
gracias fam!!
deeply enjoy that sandor and bigby's cr is starting off with them just literally kicking the shit out of each other for a while
alright alright alright

me looking for the option 'nobody in their right mind would ever willingly love this man'

is it unemployed... is it military... is it crime...
he's a traitor maybe we go with crime
he was doing an awful lot of crime-ing in the arya arc
there are many of us struggling with these census questions
honestly it's the best and most entertaining struggle
altho i say this, he did come pretty close to shipping in abraxas
the trouble is mainly he just keeps snarling at anyone that seems even remotely willing to slam down big style, like only a perfectly well-adjusted man does
everyone has their little quirks
lmao true true
very quirky and relatable, this man
and really, being well-adjusted is overrated. Daisy's boyfriend died and she became an emo goth vigilante for a year instead of dealing with her grief.
honestly that's genuinely relatable tho
i too would like to be an emo goth vigilante
instead of dealing with my problems
i am at least gonna set up the post for this npc starter and that will take away a portion of the executive dysfunction of actually writing it tomorrow
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