L♥la Gh♥st
3 weeks ago
latest #7
Long time no see! I hope you're good!
3 weeks ago
L♥la Gh♥st
3 weeks ago
Sisch: hi! all good! we have family who moved in at the beginning of the year and are still here. 9 months on and hubby and I are craving our old lives back. hope you are good!
3 weeks ago
Ata mārie!
L♥la Gh♥st
3 weeks ago
pruememo: nga mihi o te ata! hope your day is going to be fabulous!
LolaGhost: 9 month! I love my family, but that's definitely too long! :-D All is fine here, too. It's good to see you again!
L♥la Gh♥st
2 weeks ago
Sisch: they are actually really good to live with, so that's lucky! but, yeah... it will be great if their visas can be sorted so we can have our house back. glad you are good!! I miss everyone!
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