This hasn't come up directly IC recently, it's just in my head right now. Comments or questions welcome, feel free to mute if not interested, it's just a specific piece of worldbuilding on the side
Ari will sometimes say that someone is 'being Kisharin' and that is not a negative but it is something specific. Kishar was the first proper slow ship colony with colonists in cryostasis. They took over a century to reach their destination, then start setting up their new exocolony, yay!
Not long later, other weird starships show up near local stars. Are they aliens? No, during that century technology got better and ships got faster and your descendants caught up to you.
P.S. we just got a message saying we're at war now? Time dilation is the worst
Kishar actually helps fight the Breakaway War (using borrowed technology) and this is probably what cements it as a cultural icon in the sector
The Kisharin people in general are very peaceful and they like solving everything by talking it out (another reason why them joining in with Breakaway was a big deal)
They like direct democracy. 'Kisharin meeting-house' is shorthand for like - ugh we're going to debate this all day and nobody is going to make any decisions
They are also kind of aggressively egalitarian and will call you Citizen even if you are actually a Lieutenant or Director or whatever. And for people in Ari's sector it's just accepted as like - this is not insulting, it's just a Kisharin thing
One reason why she is super confused when someone without other titles objects to 'Citizen' - if she gets called 'Citizen Tayrey' she's just like eh, Kishar, it's fine
Kishar is known for producing political theorists and philosophers and is seen as Historical because of having been a century behind, even though the actual people on Kishar can have new technologies if they want, it's not a space Amish thing, just circumstances.
Two of Tayrey's crewmates are second-generation Kisharin and she's kind of fascinated by it and wants to visit someday
They like direct democracy. 'Kisharin meeting-house' is shorthand for like - ugh we're going to debate this all day and nobody is going to make any decisions -- I'm Dying Nobunaga is like "
Relgion AMIRITE?" because that's what he associates day long debates with
Space Amish
she'd be so confused like no I don't
think they're especially religious
(it is the best place to go if you actually want to know what religions there were on Tirva though because Kishar was least co-operative with the post-Breakaway Great Reset thing)
Yes. Unless you want to be insane and join the borg to try to destroy it inside out -> Nobunaga
Oh Ari was so freaked out when he suggested going to Tirva lol. It is the equivalent of 'lets just walk into North Korea' only nobody has heard anything from North Korea for 115 years.
I MEAN He would literally.... He doesn't want Hideyoshi to in the 16th century buuuuuuuuuuuut
After the Korean war? Sure.
Prety much reverse "Open your ports" -> Japan Commodore Perry
that is the stereotype of how people
think Tradeliners are so Ari's all at pains to combat it like no we never force anyone to trade [fuel and supply issue excepted and she hates it] and it all has to be fair and we have to tell you if your random mineral has become super valuable on the central worlds and not trade it for beans
also re: cultural influence, Cardalek Tower has a debate hall because Kishar has debate halls and that makes it Cultured
There are not many first generation Kisharin spacers because they'd have to be rebels to not hate that the captain just makes decisions, no epic debates first
But on stereotype, yes Ari you Tradeliners do insist that no 'local laws' apply to you and you follow your code and only your captain can judge you so it is not surprising that some people do not like this.
VERY Hideyoshi
"Nooooooo I'm not anti royalty I SWEEEAAAAAR" Nobunaga meanwhile
Kalineh: aw thank you I am glad! It is one of those things that rarely comes up but is in the background and could be a whole other story itself
That just means it’s really good worldbuilding!
I finally was able to read this and this is fun!
Coming back to this for an extra Kishar fact. The first baby ever born on the colony was named Liberty and this started a trend for virtue names. Yes there are Kisharin kids named Peace and Prosperity (also Reason and Excellence and Veracity and I made a whole list somewhere)
This fact brought to you by Ari being asked to call someone just 'Greed'