shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Got my covid boostie today and now I'm rotating my arm like hell to ward off muscle soreness and hoping I don't get super shitty side effects
latest #16
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
On the plus side, I took a covid test for friend hang reasons this weekend so I almost certainly didn't get the vaccine while secretly simmering a positive test
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
like last year -_-
i gotta get mine this coming weekend
i hope it's an easy booster for you
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Likewise for you!
July, July
2 weeks ago
To ward off side effects, antihistamines apparently help a ton!
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Not for me, alas....unless they would have been worse without, yikes.
July, July
2 weeks ago
This one has been extremely rough on some people, yeah.
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
I'm OK so far, it was last year's that kinda kicked my ass
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
before the actual covid kicked in
why i otter
2 weeks ago
how's it treating ya? I'm going to get boosted probably next week so I'm covered for Italy
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Ottergirl: so far not bad, I just woke up in the middle of the night kind of overheated and had trouble falling back asleep. And the sore arm of course but I've had worse.
why i otter
2 weeks ago
good good <3
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Well the side effects stayed fairly mild but now I have this which is interesting
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Looks exactly like the picture
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Doesn't itch though, it's just red and tender if I touch it
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