ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
latest #80
d&d tonight; possibly the campaign finale.
we've been at this one for something like 2 years, we're level 17, it is Time
i'm prepping a short-run mini-campaign hopefully, if i can finish, to run for a few weeks after before someone takes up the real dm mantle and starts the next one
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
a cosmic horror thing with vibes similar to Annihilation — that's the goal anyway
andie 🍳
2 weeks ago
Dude I bet you are a bangin' DM. That's all.
honestly I've only done it once and it was for a real shitposty little oneshot so I do not know, but I appreciate the vote of confidence lmao
andie 🍳
2 weeks ago
I don't know what the TTRPG equivalent of "passenger princess" is but that's me, rofl
a... table tiara?
dice duchess?
andie 🍳
2 weeks ago
Oh shit those are cute I'll take 'em.
andie 🍳
2 weeks ago
Still can't believe y'all fucks argued so long about how to attack a monster we didn't even need to interact with at all that you made my little guy yell and fuck everything up.
honestly that's the true d&d experience
90% is the party debating on how to outsmart a fight and 10% is actually playing
andie 🍳
2 weeks ago
God, mood.
2 weeks ago
finally implementing the agreed upon strategy after 2 hours only to fail the roll immediately
2 weeks ago
omg annihilation themed short campaign sounds sick as hell
discontinued: lmfao every single fucking time
disarmingly: I HOPE SO i have a few neat ideas about corruption mechanics... i let them know it's gonna be a big inter-party conflict story...
i also have a few neat ideas for when they die.......
sandor → bigby u know... strangely... despite getting into a raging fistfight within the first 2 minutes i feel like they're getting along fairly well
i kind of wish i had someone to bounce a few of these campaign mechanics and ideas off of that wasn't also going to be a player in the campaign. i don't wanna spoil them but i also am not entirely sure if some of these ideas are balanced.
i could have picked a pre-written module and done it in the 5e system for my first real attempt but no i gotta go be fuckin extra
andie 🍳
2 weeks ago
I am probably not the best person to give really thoughtful feedback, given my whole-ass D&D experience is three-ish~ campaigns and like six one-shots but I am deadly curious about it all anyway.
honestly i may ramble incoherently at you later and shove six documents into your eyeballs over screenshare if you're still interested just so i can be like
does any of this even..... make 1 sense
to anyone outside of my own head
o hell yeah the sing ooc event post went up
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
stream of consciousness thoughts while I read the post:
-oh boy can't wait for him to see electricity
-you will find yourself compelled to speak of them thank u for that, mod
-should i give him the toy gregor burned his face off for, that would be fun
-ya boi probably gonna be hovering around Sansa's general vicinity in a lowkey-not lowkey way when these attacks start happening. but like, without talking about it or acknowledging it
-fuck yeah let's go, a battle immediately, its sword time baybee swords don't need bullets, u bet ur ass he'll take a life
i do want someone to show him guns and how to use them eventually, and he'll want to learn all about them, but he's also gonna be like 'this is a pussy weapon for lil bitch babies' because of who he is as a person.
o shit alternatively what if the item i request for him is Arya's sword Needle?
that could be... a feeling
he'd wind up giving it to jon or sansa
(also, the Too Deep thoughts I have about that shit.)
do they do big like. everything-in-one-place event logs here or is it an everyone makes their own post for the event situation?
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
me, having only been in one single game basically for the last 3 years, sweating over new processes
paingravy: There will be an event log posted on the 10th!
But people are free to make their own logs if they like!
I always aim to get the event log posted at midnight on the 10th, which is essentially the evening of the 9th for folks in the states.
Awesome!! Thank you
Oh boy abraxas had a prelude go up, too
Definitely gonna do something with mister creepypasta himself (it works on two levels) and the haunted dolls
Dean in the wax museum would be comedy
He's going to want to salt and burn literally everything
Why tf does everyone in every universe screw with ouija boards and then surprise Pikachu when they get haunted
Do you want ghosts? Bc this is how you get ghosts
2 weeks ago
omg haunted wax museum lmao....
dean → julia something something family don't end in blood
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
i do like this thread of dean and julia both losing their brothers and coming together about it
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
but i also just love julia wicker as a character and i have been proven right that dean and julia have great friend chemistry so good job me
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
(on my list of hypothetical goals one day in a game after abraxas: a dean/julia ship, somewhere, somewhen.)
circumstances are not quite right for either of them in abraxas for that 2 really work, but. the dream is solid.
altho i say that shortly after saying i planned to retire him for a while after abraxas so the dream will probably stay a dream, but it's a nice one
I love that you're considering the toy he was burned over. I'm contemplating a gift from Daisy's mom that she received shortly before watching her mom commit murder (and the day before her mom attempted the same on her). Fun times in Sing!!
handshake emoji for the trauma
we love 2 see it
https://images.plurk.com/5smTpeYXMdQTbPkvveGfhi.jpg shut the entire hell your mouth
...nope. no, thank you.
wellll the finale didn't quite wrap so one more week of d&d actually lmao
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
dean → reva it's been a while since i had a good old fashioned patented dean winchester emotional monologue
sorry 2 the mods
i really am hype for Best Of Spn groupwatch tomorrow night (...tonight, technically) bc i could really use the refresh
it's been an age since i did any canon review eps and i would like to be slightly less lackluster with his tags
i just know that the ones i've been putting out (aside from that one) have probably felt lacking in depth or feeling to the folks i've been tagging, or at least i'm not meeting my own standards
so a little bit of mainline spn direct injection of episodes that make u give a shit will be real helpful
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
it also occurs to me that i was talking about him finding reva hot and then after 2 seconds of deeper consideration at her icon, she bearing some very... distinct traits
note to self for tomorrow 2 figure out what jay and heather want 2 do for threeway thread. possibly quest? if not, then maybe just some absurd haunted doll spooky halloween shenaniganery
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago

i didn't want 2 bother them but unfortunately there is also no world where he doesn't try to do basic Spn Ghost Stuff about it
things he would try approx. six and a half minutes after hearing the rumors
2 weeks ago
before I go to bed: Lucifer's questing with Istredd and I do not see him going through this song and dance more than once lmfao
Okay thank you lol
We can do some tales-esque non quest haunted shenanigans instead unless yall come up with something better
I don't even go here and I'm popcorning at Dean being predictable in his reactions to certain spooky things.
Lmao he truly just be one type of way
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