[critical role c2e56]
latest #20
so I'd been spoiled on them giving the beacon up instead of fighting
but 1) damn that was a good moment, Liam has killed it in the last couple of episodes
2) lol Matt's like... parade of faces as he processes this
1 months ago
Matt was 1000% planning on them doing a jailbreak
I've read that he was planning an entire-ass sidequest complete with guest DM that got completely derailed by this and yeah I can believe that
omnomivore: yeah iirc there was even supposed to be something with Matt Colville that had to be canceled?
1 months ago
That would not surprise me
1 months ago
It was one of those "fucking players" moments and it was beautiful
I'm still watching the end of the episode and Matt is just. openly stammering lmao
1 months ago
It's been a while since I watched that episode but doesn't he just like toss aside a whole-ass folder of prepped notes at one point?
if he did I somehow missed him doing it
it happened RIGHT at the end though
note tossing sounds more like a Brennan Lee Mulligan vibe haha
although I do know of one instance where he also had to essentially rewrite a major campaign element on the spot and he managed to disguise it until way after the fact... but he's also fully gotten up and walked away from the table at least twice as a bit
1 months ago
Tonje informs me it might've been another time when he tossed a folder aside lol. But yeah. Good stuff. It's what makes realplays a lot of fun
hahahaha Matt: "a handsome drow over on the side..."
me: "hmmm...."
30 minutes later:
Matt: "Shadowhand Essek"
been waiting for that intro
1 months ago
\o/ hot boi
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