The question he was asked:
"What specific legislation will you commit to to make childcare affordable?"
Trump's answer, unedited:
totally not senile. republicans have superior policy
Not only does this man STILL not understand how tariffs work
but sweet jesus is he sundowning HARD
what the fuck is that word salad
Like the only thing stopping this from being a Grandpa Simpson story is that it's not as funny
he should just go full mask-off. "we'll enslave illegal immigrants to take care of our kids"
and the person telling it has no redeeming qualities whatsoever
Ayasugi_san: nah he's got Vance working on the specifics
Which, by the way, amount to "get grandma and grandpa to take care of it, or some aunts and uncles"
Something that's definitely never occurred to anyone until now and there are absolutely no reasons why that might not be a feasible plan
when you have to meet the word count on an essay
and you never did the reading on what the essay is supposed to be about
Like I've bullshit my way to the word count before, but there's a hell of a difference between "somebody who at least did the assignment and just needs more to say" vs. "somebody forgot about the assignment entirely until 5 minutes before the essay is due"
this is literally just 'i like hearing myself talk and i don't care if it doesn't make sense'
and just general brain rot
and his many very real, not at all made up friends in the Literature field all say he does it very well. Better than anyone they've ever seen, even (because he cannot resist saying he's the best)
I've read it I don't know how many times and the closest I can come to making sense of it is:
"We're going to pay for it with tariffs other countries will pay (WHICH IS NOT HOW THEY WORK), we're gonna balance the budget so hard you'll see surpluses, and we're gonna use that money to pay for childcare even though we are hilariously opposed to it."
because it's a mix of "that's the exact opposite of how those work" and "you made it abundantly clear over the course of four years that you were not going to ever do anything about this"
I fully believe Trump would decide to commit the rest of his life to living as a Franciscan monk before he cares about the budget or helping THE POORS
(which is basically anyone not a multi-millionaire)
though if we did have a subsidized universal child care option, you know he'd take advantage of it himself
He'd be taking money for "childcare" for Eric, at minimum.
that's about what i got from it, too. "we'll use tariffs to fund child care" which is not. i. hm.
i did also see his ramble about "the weave"
I guess we can tell that he doesn't play strategy games. he didn't say "we'll conquer and plunder for the money"
and as an english teacher, with a masters in literature and a phd in rhetoric and composition, that's not a thing. much less a GOOD thing.
he 100% stumbled across the expression "weaving a story" and decided to make up the rest
There's definitely some kind of expressive aphasia going on whether it's related to t I as or dementia.But yeah, he is not a well man.
Just a rollercoaster ride of nonsense
And you can tell he definitely did his homework on everything he's talking about, that's why he identified traffickers, human traffickers, women traffickers, AND sex traffickers separately.
him talking about foreign born Americans taking jobs from native born Americans just makes me think... "yeah, white people did take all the jobs from native Americans"
millennialfalcon: It's also uh. More than a little worrisome that it also doubles as a "yeah, FUCK naturalized citizens!"