latest #53

neat! i may hit up or handwave some convos with julia and/or maybe michael(?) about this
he'd also do some of the digging + trial and error himself because he do be like that
2 weeks ago
New Age shit huh. Maybe he should bump into Chris sometime
i think it's specifically 'new age' as in new age Cadens high-magic alternatives
2 weeks ago
since Cadens is pretty anti-high magic and academic magic, it's the most watered down new-agey magic bullshit the tech-only faction tolerates haha
science crime
2 weeks ago
what if we make dean an automatic salt dispenser
science crime
2 weeks ago
for the ghosts
science crime
2 weeks ago
like a new magic roomba except in reverse. it just scoots around drawing arcana symbols in salt
he's gonna solve all the ghost crime
with his salt utility belt gadgets
cadens spooky batman
science crime
2 weeks ago
a salt gun
science crime
2 weeks ago
salt grenades
science crime
2 weeks ago
can also be used with iron filings we dont do unitaskers in this house

u really steppin up the game from this
2 weeks ago
i was gonna ask abt the salt hula hoop but i see my answer here
2 weeks ago
Spooky Batman STOP
can't stop won't stop
note 2 self to ask the mods about dean making an EMF meter but... later so i can kind of space out how much i'm bothering them in such a short timeframe
the spn review was nice tho, p helpful even tho we didn't get to the eps i picked for him
i might just slap those on for myself anyway later
"i'm gonna retire from playing him for a while after abraxas" i lie to myself confidently. "i just don't feel like i'm as engaged as i should be," i say, tagging with a mod npc and submitting multiple queries to them
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
as though the eldritch entity that is supernatural ever truly lets anyone be free from this hell
u played urself
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
idk why getting buttfurious at mcu is enough to get me to retire bucky and yet supernatural has been shortsheeting my bed and pissing in my breakfast cereal for 13 years
and i'm still just here
prob bc bucky has way less screentime than dean
and the stuff they are now choosing to add to that screentime
you probably right
if i had like 5 solid seasons of bucky content where he was at peak and then mcu did endgame/thunderbolts i'd probably just close my eyes and think of england
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
i gotta start up some new threads w him for this month. i do plan to tag around on the TDM when it goes up but I have the paranoid feeling there won't be many people on it and I'm gonna shoot myself in the foot for ac time
i'll brainstorm something
you got the npc thread too
this is true but i almost feel like that would be weird to turn in for ac
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
r i p to the bakerstreet joel who boomeranged my laura for like 3 weeks straight but disappeared about a week ago. i can only assume they are dead. we sure had a good run tho
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
we got like 160 comments into a bakerstreet meme which is rare as hell these days so i ain't even mad about it but boy i sure do miss 'em
dean → ciri wrapping this i think! it was a good convo, they can fade to black doin smalltalk and drinking and bonding
he'll catch her up abt reva after i finish that thread

her art is always so fuckin dope
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
oh my god the joel came back clearly this means i should complain about everything all the time and it will always consistently work out for me the very same day
that's the only lesson i elect to take away from this
but i just smashed out like 3500+ words on my interdimensional post project so i'm gonna try and grab a few more hours of sleep before i embrace their miraculous return from the dead like texas christ
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