2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
[disney][animation?][RAMBLING] i was listening to this song again and thinking about this movie and i still love how it's about taking a step out of your comfort zone to make revolutionary changes to your life to better itAriana DeBose - This Wish (From "Wish"/Lyric Video)
latest #48
i know it got a lot of mixed reviews and i know there are people on my TL that didn't like the movie, but man... this movie paid homage to all of the disney films before it while also talking about how it's important to break away and strive for something better when the world and its ways have let you down...
and it was all happening in the middle of writing strikes and animation strikes and negotiating with guilds about improving wages and benefits for everyone in the industry
i think a lot of people forget that they were celebrating all of disney's films through the easter eggs, and i guess it must've seemed pretty excessive for folks but as a huge disney nerd i loved it and it makes me sad that people used that as a point against the movie
and i love the songs, i know they're a different style from classic disney musicals, but they're not trying to emulate alan menken or anything here. i've seen criticisms about how the music isn't as good as the classics, but i'm sure that if they just pulled alan menken onto it they'd get criticism about how they can't do anything new or something
and yes yes "disney is evil" etc etc but that's on the corporate end AND that's not an exclusively disney thing... when the movies don't perform well that affects the creative side more than the corporate, and it makes me sad that Wish is gonna be one of those movies that the execs look at as a failure and decide to never make anything like it from now on
my heart still breaks for Strange World, because they're absolutely going to use it as an example of "gay protags don't sell" even though it's corporate and marketing's fault for not properly selling the movie to the audience. there are so many people who didn't even know when that film came out :-(
and with the streaming revolution happening right now... man... i'm genuinely scared that film as an industry is going to shrivel up. probably not die, but i think profits overall have gotten lower since not as many people go to the theaters... i'm just worried about its future
maybe i'm lucky to not be scrambling for work in the animation industry anymore, but... it all just makes me really sad
...... anyway this was not supposed to turn into me ranting about animation on a whole lol
2 weeks ago
Mm. Like I still thought the film was okay?? It’s certainly not the worst?
2 weeks ago
The theme or message or that song and the movie as a whole is lovely.
caprican: it's a great movie!! but i also think - and here i go again lol - that disney movies generally get held to a different standard than other animated movies
like Trolls 3 came out at the same time and critics were giving it glowing reviews as one of DreamWorks's better films, and then Wish was getting slammed for not being as good as other disney films
2 weeks ago
Oh yeah. For sure. They have a reputation for doing amazing films given the Renaissance era.
and i know before Wish happened people were all like- i'm tired of twist villains and redeemable villains, give me a classic disney villain... so they did that with Wish and people still complained
2 weeks ago
So if some films aren’t doing as well as those it’s oh no that film sucks what a flop etc but like. Not every film will be for everyone?? Someone’s least favourite might be someone’s favourite overall.
so i'm always just like... Disney is always kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place
NO YOU'RE TOTALLY RIGHT and i understand that! but i felt like i saw an overwhelming amount of negative feedback, and it just made me sad
like i've got friends who worked on that movie and were so proud of it and were so excited for people to see it and fall in love with it... and then that didn't happen and it just brought a lot of morale down
same with Strange World. i heard that one of the directors kind of gave a kind of pep talk to everyone on the production and was like "if our film touched even one kid and helped them out, then we've done our job", which is so true... but it's always disheartening for anyone to see something they pour all their love into to get sort of shunned to the side
2 weeks ago
Yeah. It’s rough. I try to find something nice about most things I watch or read or play. Even if it might not be for me. Wish wasn’t one I enjoyed as much as I hoped but was still enjoyable enough. I thought the style they went with was pretty.
Yeah, like… I think a lot of the problems could have been fixed or polished if they just had more time (plus maybe adding some musical songwriters on board to help). But with wanting to market it for the 100th anniversary… Or at least that how it feels like to me.
2 weeks ago
Oh for sure. I think it’s also potentially some of a timing thing. If they were pushed and determined to release it at a certain date rather than giving it more time if they needed
2 weeks ago
I still need to see Strange Worlds actually
honestly with a lot of animation stuff, giving them more time to tweak things has huge potential to make things worse. because then they'll nitpick and nitpick and nitpick until the budget is completely blown and it's 10 years later, lol
i do think that marketing it as the 100 year movie ended up working against it because people expected, like, THE BEST DISNEY MOVIE EVER. and that's just unrealistic
2 weeks ago
Yeah for sure. I think with Wish especially people probably had major expectations? I didn’t go in expecting that so maybe that’s part of why I still enjoyed it for what it was even if not my favourite
YEAH.... i blame marketing, LMAO
tbf i always blame marketing though so THAT AIN'T KNEW
i'm sorry y'all i just have a lot of feelings
2 weeks ago
it’s okay. I mean especially with having friends that worked on it of course you’re upset and wanted it to do well for them
sob, yeah
꓅ꑛꍟ ꆂꅐ ꒒ꋫꁕꐟ✨
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
I honestly really liked Strange World! The story was an oldie but a goodie. A classic story for a reason. (Fern Gully vibes)
Contrary to the vitriol, I liked the style of Wish! The animation was pretty and I don't get why people have been saying it looked unfinished.
I appreciated the references, tho!
LexieB: OH YAY I'M GLAD <3 for both movies, lmaooo
2 weeks ago
I know they were going for a kinda water colour style?? I think? Which was pretty but maybe not what others liked or expected? Perhaps?
yeah I think so? audiences now are definitely more used to the usual 3d look. I know there are kids who watch 2d animated films now and think it looks "bad"
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
And yet part of me wishes they would go back to that traditional style, seeing the art books and concepts and. Ugh. Children please.
the sacrilege, lol
I bet there are lots of kids nowadays that are like 2d cartoon = TV animation = not movie quality
2 weeks ago
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