shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
I'm tired of eating carbs y'all
latest #36
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
this isn't even the BIG carb load but
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
it's getting so boring
science crime
2 weeks ago
what are u running
science crime
2 weeks ago
or is it just regular training
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
whitticus: our local club's 10-miler race is tomorrow so I'm doing a 4 miles warmup, racing 10 miles, then doing a 4 mile cooldown (after enjoying the free ice cream and beer that makes this our best race)
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
so kinda both regular training and event
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
next weekend I'm running 20-22 so I will be choking down EVEN MORE carbs
science crime
2 weeks ago
are you doing the marathon this year?
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Not NYC, but I am running Wineglass Marathon up in Corning
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
and then a trio of Didney races on NYC weekend actually
science crime
2 weeks ago
o that's soon
science crime
2 weeks ago
yeah ryan's not running NYC this year either, he's doing marine corps + philly
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Yeah I made the mistake of looking at how many days were left on my training app and puffed up nervously like an angry cat
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
I've done Philly! I hope he gets good weather, it's so hard to predict with a race that late in the year
science crime
2 weeks ago
philly will be fun bc i will just get to hang out at my sisters' houses and drink beer while he does the hard work
science crime
2 weeks ago
im also going down to DC and doing a bunch of other stuff while he does the hard work
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
you really get the best part of marathons
science crime
2 weeks ago
look i just want him to keep running marathons in exotic locales so i can follow him there
science crime
2 weeks ago
begging him to do some euro ones next
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
if he doesn't, you can follow me to cool locations and pretend we're related
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
I wanna do Berlin and London to make progress on my six stars
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Boston and Tokyo last b/c I will probs have to pay out the nose for Boston and Tokyo has weird rules
science crime
2 weeks ago
my mom did boston a few times. im surprised ryan hasnt gone for it yet
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
he could probably time qualify from what you've said
science crime
2 weeks ago
lol no he cant
science crime
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
his best is barely sub-4h and he's 40
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
science crime
2 weeks ago
40-44 for the mens is still like...3h10m!!
science crime
2 weeks ago
which is crazy to me
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
My friend Leslie once invited me to run a race by her because she said she heard I was trying to BQ and I asked who told her that filthy lie
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Yeah it's nuts. I'd have to cut off like an hour 15 from my best time
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
LMAO so I was on the phone with fam and my parents have the kids tonight. They asked how far I was running tomorrow and I said 18 miles.
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
In the background, Charlotte absolutely SHRIEKED "FOR PRACTICE?!"
shifty & hooded
2 weeks ago
Six minute PR today, one year after a five minute PR. Not bad not bad 🥳
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
ran 18 miles yesterday, shocked that I'm sore today
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
actually it's less the total mileage and more that I hauled ass during the race yesterday that's got the lactic acid really going
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