Lady Bintley
1 weeks ago SL’ing on my 50th birthday present! Phil finished the build yesterday and I'm running SL in Ultra and could weep with joy. I'm so happy 😭
latest #18
1 weeks ago
Woohoo, congrats!
Whiskey says
1 weeks ago
Yay I love this!!
Polyester P
1 weeks ago
Wow beautiful case!
Lady Bintley
1 weeks ago
isn't it wonderful?! Seriously it's like a new fucking game
Lady Bintley
1 weeks ago
I'm in my kitchen dancing to Abba and having the best fucking time
1 weeks ago
She’s a beaut
Lady Bintley
1 weeks ago
I'm wandering around with my RL gob open like Hillary Clinton looking at balloons
1 weeks ago
Oh wow, that's a good looking set up!
Maxwell Graf
1 weeks ago
New PC day is a good day among days! Congrats!
Maxwell Graf
1 weeks ago
So clean and sparse and cool!
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
Love the lights!
Polyester P
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
When you get a chance can you share a straight on pic so we can see that beaut RGB ram?
1 weeks ago
that is just gorgeous
Lady Bintley
1 weeks ago
PolyesterPartridge: I’ll take a photo for you specially when the light is good; prob eo t be until Tuesday as we’re off down to Londinium in the morning:-)
1 weeks ago
So nice and bright inside!
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