rlly good brain
2 weeks ago
Oof I bombed really hard on doing Event stuff last month
latest #8
rlly good brain
2 weeks ago
Gonna try to do better in September but I've got some on-going RL issues that rolled over from last month making things a bit difficult.
rlly good brain
2 weeks ago
If it really gets bad I'll just hiatus I guess but I really don't want to do that if I can help it.
rlly good brain
2 weeks ago
Anyway, I'm probably gonna put Yang in the Wholesomeness Timeline for the event, because as much as I'd love to put her in the Peace timeline for ANGST, I think a grown-up Sunshine timeline'll be good for the soul. X3
rlly good brain
2 weeks ago
She'll be side-eyeing Seravo like woah though. Dragons that can part-time as Peoples is a Red Flag for her.
rlly good brain
2 weeks ago
thanks Gods of Light and Darkness
rlly good brain
2 weeks ago
On the other hand though, seeing as he apparently has the memory and personality of the Ghost of Christmas Present (Muppet edition) basically, she'd probably get over that fairly quick.
rlly good brain
2 weeks ago
Just like, "Oh, you're actually just a big goofus. Alright then."
rlly good brain
2 weeks ago
Anywho, if you want a belated Part 1 event thread with Yang let me know, otherwise, I'm just gonna work on clearing out my inbox and back-tags. And also finally doing my dang shard tallies.
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