1 weeks ago
[X8 Demake] I beat it. Ow, my fucking hands, but I beat it.
latest #24
1 weeks ago
The difficulty spikes against Vile, Fake Sigma, Final Sigma and Lumine were something fucking else, I swear.
1 weeks ago
Damage was all over the place even with Armor up.
how about no
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
...how do I interpret this, Moz
how about no
1 weeks ago
I'm celebrating for your victory!
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
but thank
how about no
1 weeks ago
I'm still brand new to mmx games so I've only finished up to four so far, the difficulty spikes can be painful
1 weeks ago
X8 Demake's biggest problem is that you're taking damage that accounts for you having that extra character, when you only have X
1 weeks ago
but man, it's fu
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
noctowl: oh you're gonna have a time with X5 and X6 then
how about no
1 weeks ago
oh I know. my friend has emphasized to me that I should either watch a playthru or PLEASE (direct quote) use hacks to fix things
how about no
1 weeks ago
mostly right now I'm just vibing enjoying the art from friends that got me into the games and shitposting about Zero being a dumb slutty bitch
how about no
1 weeks ago
I'm considering streaming the games some time soonish as well since my friend over in the UK is interested but knows full well games are hard and he's bad at hard games fjjdsj
1 weeks ago
ooh that wouldn't be a bad idea
how about no
1 weeks ago
technically I cheated and didn't play X3 vanilla anyway but with a mod that took the limitations off zero as a playable char so he won't get a scratch and dramatically swoon back to cain's for the rest of the game but hey
even as a pretty good Mega Man gamer, I have never once beaten X6 as Zero without the Black Zero cheat
how about no
1 weeks ago
that dumb blond himbo is always hiding himself to repair himself even when we're trying to complete the damn game
1 weeks ago
purpleminiskirts I remember stubborn young me getting to the Gate levels and clawing tooth and fucking nail through them
1 weeks ago
that was! not fun!
yeah, X5's weirdness could be mitigated by focusing on one character beginning to end, and reloading your save if RNG kills Zero when you've given him all the powerups...
X6 though, you couldn't even play some stages if you didn't pick the right character/armor
and even if you did, they were pretty sadistically designed
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