1 weeks ago
So Wifey just showed me this video, which I'd never seen before...
latest #7
1 weeks ago
And I legit started cackling so hard at "loafers with no socks."
1 weeks ago
Reading Stampede Wolfwood to filth. And yeah, no, that checks out.
1 weeks ago
Which then went into him still wearing the frames of his sunglasses even if he didn't have the lenses, and getting the mustache tattoo. And I'm just like "No, see, he wouldn't do the mustache tattoo. But next to him, when he wasn't watching, Vash would be doodling one on his own finger so that when he wasn't paying attention, he'd just reach over and
1 weeks ago
hold it up in front of his nose to do it for him before snickering. And then when Wolfwood realized what he was doing, just throwing hands! XDDD
That song was posted fourteen years ago
1 weeks ago
Look, look, I'm out of the loop. XD
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