rlly good brain
1 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/wj74f7UbrzojuvDBLFLN5.png https://images.plurk.com/3AIDaFmpfzOm54mblp9FY4.png
latest #17
rlly good brain
1 weeks ago
Yang's gonna kick Vaeros's ass so hard, he's going to feel it across all 4 timelines.
rlly good brain
1 weeks ago
Also whoever is RP-ing Myrta, you're wonderful, she's a delight and I love her. XD
Yang, constantly having to deal with yandere incels.
1 weeks ago
I think it's Yon behind the wheel of Myrta!
rlly good brain
1 weeks ago
/Yang, channeling Haruhi Host Club "Damn these incels"
rlly good brain
1 weeks ago
SamuraiMarmoset Ah that's awesome! Always loved Aughra and Myrta is such a great homage to her. ^.^
rlly good brain
1 weeks ago
cosmonautdelta She went into that conversation expecting another Lost Fable or something. Instead it's just ADAMS RUIN EVERYTHING.
she's going to get back home and relay this to blake and weiss, and they're just going to sigh like "not again"
and then blake will try to puzzle over how tf a moon and a dragon have a relationship
1 weeks ago
Blake, making sure Gambol Shroud is nice and sharp: Here we go again...
1 weeks ago
Gambol Shroud hungers for the blood of incels
1 weeks ago
it has a taste for it now
rlly good brain
1 weeks ago
halcyoning PERFECT!
rlly good brain
1 weeks ago
cosmonautdelta LMAO seriously. Yang was also like, "the moon and a dragon wtf?" but I feel like she's also stopped questioning those things ever since finding out Ozpin had multiple kids with the Grimm Lady because nothing is ever going to make her internally WTF harder than that.
rlly good brain
1 weeks ago
SamuraiMarmoset LOL Gambol Shroud is just like...mystically drawn to stabbing incels now.
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