So things seem to be looking up. I'm going to go house sit for my sister while she, her boyfriend, and her baby travel to spain for a couple of weeks. I hope they have an awesome trip, and Abbey is a sweetheart of a cat so I'm glad I get to look after her and get paid for it
I have a job starting Monday. I'm a little nervous, and I'm probably going to review my excel knowledge over the weekend (as well as peek at Kijiji in case there's been major changes to the site since I used it last) to make sure I'm on top of it
I also have another interview lined up for a Health Research Interviewer position. If I can get it so I can work that one only once a week, I'll take it and just have a six day work week to help get myself into financial recovery
I've also been having a ton of fun with FFXIV! I've been backing off of it a little because I haven't had the energy and I'm sort of in the loop of just doing dailies, but I'm having fun now that I'm actually working on levelling other classes instead of just collecting tomestones and raid items. The Dawn Trail dungeons have been a blast, though! They're
more difficult than the ones before in a good way, you have to pay attention to what's happening or you'll get screwed up and it feels a lot more like a game because of it
So far the job is physically taxing but honestly I'm all for that! It means I'm moving around and keeping busy all day which is nice. I also have a 37 hour work week with technically a split weekend, but 37 because one of my days is a half day which leads into a day off, which is nice. So it's 3.5 days on, 1.5 off, 1 on, 1 off, then start the week again.