1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/3WHQ6RYZxJ091s0ibRGayp.png Me casually making more child!Mingjue icons for this wholesome childhood PSL I'm playing.
latest #12
https://images.plurk.com/5WmUkMKTNGxobYy3eekYKu.png https://images.plurk.com/74iQOx8ZFsDq0r8bhgRSnp.png https://images.plurk.com/6l9mQkRUNVtaZaqDwiPY2B.png https://images.plurk.com/5hVZlugGaW2906pVPTt35p.png https://images.plurk.com/2tI2VwZzC2ifVvDp53EI0x.png Everyone should oogle and d'aw over baby Mingjue with me.
1 weeks ago
U.U Fatal Journey was a blessing in all the great baby Huaisang and Mingjue moments we got
and the mingjue tentacle vine scene
< But mwhahaha he snuck a baby Meng Yao into the Qinghe sect halls. >: D He's gonna help the common boy who oggled his cool cultivation abilities
lime skittle
1 weeks ago
he's just a little guy
they chose such a good young actor to play him
lime skittle
1 weeks ago
Fatal Journey Mingjue crying scenes
I mean- Untamed mingjue crying scenes in general
that man is always internally crying and the actor just does a really good job of brining his tears on the outside (LOL)
lime skittle
1 weeks ago
he would fit so well into Gundam IBO everyone cries there
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