Vic Lenoirre
3 days ago
I'm out early for a ZOOM meeting. It's nice to leave work even one hour early. But I don't make it a habit.
Vic Lenoirre
3 days ago
One colleague does it regularly. She can use her health as an excuse. I don't have that excuse. I'm very healthy.
3 days ago
3 days ago @Edit 3 days ago
I have like 1,5 hours overtime from mon to thu, and then on friday I quit an hour early. That way I still have 5 hours overtime per week than I can stay off work at another point, usually I take a full week off.
Vic Lenoirre
3 days ago
Tillie: It's nice to get a full week off. :-)
3 days ago
It's time for work and it's time for rest. And it's also time for ocasional surprises!