Hooded Figure
1 weeks ago
[return to krondor] [low-poly shenanigans] https://images.plurk.com/56BOxCvgpTHRm7Y6RsV3Io.png
I hear Jazhara has a six-pack, I hear Jazhara's shredded
latest #23
Hooded Figure
1 weeks ago
also mages don't get to wear armor in this game for some reason
Hooded Figure
1 weeks ago
meanwhile James has an...... eight-shoulderblade?
Hooded Figure
1 weeks ago
but it all pales in comparison to these chickens. these chickens, man. the still image doesn't do the uncanny joint movements justice.
Hooded Figure
1 weeks ago
the entire bird swivels up and down on the legs like one of those water-drinking bob-up-and-down toys.
Hooded Figure
1 weeks ago
(also it's after midnight and they should be asleep)
1 weeks ago
Hooded Figure
1 weeks ago
Hooded Figure
1 weeks ago
Betrayal at Krondor was state of the art for 1993. This one's from 1998 and it... tried.
Hooded Figure
6 days ago
The cinematic camera angle in this cut-scene (haha)
Hooded Figure
6 days ago
also I cannot with how the characters' hands are vague squares with vague finger outlines
Hooded Figure
5 days ago
why is this even here
I'm over here remembering how ~elite~ and ~magical~ we thought these graphics were
this is lovely
Hooded Figure
5 days ago
I mean, they WERE magical; a computer game was this
and then suddenly this???
Hooded Figure
5 days ago
RtK was just on the wrong end of how new the 3D modeling was
Hooded Figure
5 days ago
(unfortunately I'm also seeing a rush job in the writing; there are many items and their descriptions are much more boring than in BaK)
Hooded Figure
5 days ago
where BaK was something people had never seen before, RtK ended up being behind what they'd come to expect
Hooded Figure
5 days ago
(there was a studio switch and a bunch of shenanigans and ultimately the next few planned games didn't get made)
Hooded Figure
5 days ago
(Feist wrote novelizations for the first two and stuck another book between them but ended up scrapping a bunch of what was the studio had been planning for the sequel games and went off in his own direction)
Hooded Figure
5 days ago
dying is annoying because s h e looms out of the blue-flame-underworld every time and you have to wait for that animation to end before reloading the fight
Hooded Figure
5 days ago
(I'm pretty sure she's meant to be Lims-Kragma but that's not? confirmed?)
Hooded Figure
5 days ago
the sprites really just need to be less sad though.
A broadsword in BaK: https://images.plurk.com/6k7zBZC7HPrDpdDr28xcxn.png
A broadsword in RtK: https://images.plurk.com/4dxAlwSLpi8sT4GDFqUsMn.jpg
Hooded Figure
5 days ago
especially since so many of the sprites are reused (e.g. many of the rapiers share a sprite, as do many of the broadswords, many of the daggers, many of the leather armors....) it's disappointing that the pixel artist didn't check what bits would actually be visible against a black background.
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