emily ✟
18 hours ago
Out of nowhere, I am getting this subscription magazine. What is going on? Really?? I don't smoke anything. Ugh, it's such a waste of paper and ink and time. What the heck. It goes straight into recycling. They need to just stop that nonsense. https://images.plurk.com/5RpGXEQlE3LFuJUbqYeNDS.jpg
latest #9
emily ✟
18 hours ago
I do at least flip through it before chucking it.
ʚĭɞ Ran
16 hours ago
it is magazine about cigar? I think most magazine its about news or pop culture. :-o
15 hours ago
That's icky.
14 hours ago
13 hours ago
I'll take it.. ;-)
emily ✟
12 hours ago
andex: I'll send you the next one. I already put this in recycling going out.
emily ✟
12 hours ago
ranijournal: Yes a magazine.
emily ✟
12 hours ago
mimipal: I don't know why I am getting it. So odd.
emily ✟
12 hours ago
Makemeaspark: yah not for me
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