where would you like our CR to go, now that i am in games again?
latest #17
i'm open to all kinds of CR for both games!
lin ☄️
4 days ago
i would love to get cr with you someway somehow!!
lin ☄️
4 days ago
gotta toss my boys at you
YES i would love that!
lin ☄️
4 days ago
lin ☄️
4 days ago
i think angel dust with ventus or leona would def be interesting since they're both. technically Disney. lol
honestly at some point i think nyaa could drink with kikuri
otherwise, continuing to slowly get to the fireworks factory
points to both of you
seabutterfly i know a bit about ventus, but what is leona like?
jusenkyo fireworks factory hgfiduhgs but yeah, i would be happy to throw nyaa at kikuri also
they're gonna get caught in some kinda aphro thing at some point and totoko'll do her best to pretend nothing happened
lin ☄️
4 days ago
leona is an asshole
lin ☄️
4 days ago
he's got some soft sides to him, but overall, he's a jerk
a jerk, huh? Angel can be a pretty big jerk, too. but he's nicer to kids. rubs my hands together
lin ☄️
4 days ago
they can be jerks together
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