3 days ago
latest #37
3 days ago
Walter is "absolute unpredictable enigma"
Mrs. Sheepie
3 days ago
arthur is, canonically, "chosen one but they are so sick of it"
Mrs. Sheepie
3 days ago
eiffel is "tired harmless but gentle suburban dad", haha
3 days ago
Femme fatale with leather jacket, I guess.
3 days ago
Honestly yelena was the main reason I thought TLV!!! with this post combined with dead guy with key card being so SH. Though I feel bad for her being typecast
Goose Botherer
3 days ago
Jedao is a sad and strangely prescient jester
Goose Botherer
3 days ago
Frankie is a schemer, manipulator, 4D chessmaster
Goose Botherer
3 days ago
Kahl is not literally but spiritually a dead character near a locked door with a keycard
3 days ago
... can I do femme fatale sunshine optimist?
3 days ago
Not that Tendi wouldn't wear a leather jacket in pirate mode but she's pretty duel natured
Ms Properpants
3 days ago
Sebastian: villain who dialogues politely and eloquently
Gojyo: himbo with a heart of gold
Lady Stardust
3 days ago
Iris is the self aware fourth wall breaking side character and also an absolute unpredictable enigma
3 days ago
john 'himbo with a heart of gold' : )
Malcolm is sad and strangely prescient jester.
3 days ago
None of them fit! D:
3 days ago
Absolute unpredictable enigma x ingenue innocent sunshine optimist
Root is, arguably, femme fatale in a leather jacket
Natalie is "chosen one but so sick of it"
Sephchama: someone can be two things!
2 days ago
Hakkai is the villain who dialogues politely and eloquently, despite technically being a protagonist
2 days ago
Zhao Yunlan is the femme fatale in a leather jacket
2 days ago
John Silver is the schemer, manipulator, 4D chessmaster
2 days ago
Lol, ZYL the femme fatale
2 days ago
look, that show spends a lot of lovingly set up shots on what a sexy nonconformist he is
Goose Botherer
2 days ago
it tracks
I see no lies
2 days ago
alan is 100% self aware character who breaks the fourth wall (non comedic relief addition)
absolute unpredictable enigma (from pov of other characters in the canon and also for the reader for most of the book)
2 days ago
Will is the chosen one who's so sick of it, he'll be avoiding his universe like the plague until the end of time.
2 days ago
siderealtime: saga wants 15 minutes to shake Jack
2 days ago
Will's got to go back at some point to offer Molly and her son an escape from that disaster, so ...Jack is totally getting punched on the way out. :-P
Malcolm would also like an opportunity to punch Jack pls.
Norton is a schemer, manipulator, 4D chessmaster, who pretends to be an ingenue innocent sunshine optimist and thinks he's a femme fatale in a leather jacket well-tailored suit.
Norton is the first one and the third one and does a good job of the middle one.
Happy cake day, btw!
23 hours ago
happy birthday!
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