4 days ago
/Looking up the mythological creature my old OC and fic-world is based on. Find someone on Reddit in the Werewolf RPG fandom who's like "Mmm, actually, they didn't exist the way people think they did, they mistranslated things, they're all wrong" and start questioning if I was given misinformation when I was researching this over a decade ago.../
latest #7
4 days ago
/Go to look up what the details are in actual scholarly circles. Find actual Harvard professors who have written books and papers on this exact fucking creature, ancient manuscripts depicting them, legends dating to a historical/folklore figure from 450AD that talks about it...!/ OK RANDOM WEREWOLF NERD. YOU'RE TALKIN' OUT YOUR ASS.
4 days ago
Though I did learn that I've been saying the word in the Scottish pronunciation, not the Irish pronunciation, so that's good to know and correct myself on. /sage nod/
4 days ago
For what it's worth, the creature is the Faoladh, the Irish werewolves. They were nice werewolves who were kings and brave warriors who protected the innocent, and they could change into wolf form at will instead of being beholden to an unwanted curse, and they were chummy with the Fae.
4 days ago
And in Irish, it's pronounced "FWY-Luh," whereas the way I'd been saying it before, "FWEE-luck," was closer to the pronunciation in Scottish.
4 days ago
My faoladh is based on Irish, so I should pronounce it right.
4 days ago
There is also apparently a race of werewolf in the RPG that is based on them, so hey, now I know what mine will be if I ever do play that game. :-P
Pumpqueen Fall
4 days ago
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