So I got fired today. Whoo...
latest #34
2 days ago
i'm so sorry
Oh no, Mika, I'm so sorry. :c
dirty arson
2 days ago
ohhh im so sorry!!!!
2 days ago
2 days ago
That sucks!
oh no i'm so sorry to hear that /hugs
2 days ago
2 days ago
What the heck... that's terrible! I'm so, so sorry.
I hope there are better things in your future...
2 days ago
I’m so sorry. I hope you find something else soon
D: nooo... :< I’m sorry
kyrie enjoyer
2 days ago
Ah geeze I'm sorry that happened.
2 days ago
I'm sorry hun, but like someone else said- there will no doubt be better things in your future alright?
2 days ago
Don't let this get you down
2 days ago
2 days ago
Oh no, I’m so sorry...
i am so sorry to hear this
I had my cry. I'm tired. Gonna sleep things off and pick myself up by Monday.
Thus just comes at such a shit time before my trip.. which means a notable amount less for my trip.
2 days ago
hugs tight
2 days ago
Oh no!
oh jesus mika that sucks so fucking bad. how awful. i really hope youre still able to enjoy your trip and some time to yourself
E.S. Levi
2 days ago
Oh jeeze...
sekritsauce: it's gonna make funds a little tight admittedly :-(
): if you need any help with anything at all, please let us know
2 days ago
I'm so sorry (and I woke up having replurked this when I did NOT mean to, undone now, mobile why)
2 days ago
So sorry to hear you get fired. Dispatching is a really tough and stressful job even for the best of people so kudos to you for going for it and sticking it out, even if it didn't work out in the end.
I just. This has hit me pretty hard, I won't lie. Having ADHD and autism is hard...
yeah, and that's okay. you were trying your best and it sucks not seeing that pan out.
oh my goodness I am so sorry 💕 That is so awful! Being let go without warning is awful and companies shouldnt be allowed to do that! if you wanna chat im here
muppet carols
i'm so sorry, mika
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