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latest #71
shoutout 2 noa for hooking me up w new caps and icons for my boy, im so pleased.
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 days ago @Edit Yesterday
to-do list today:
tag andie first
plan some campaign encounters
start next commission
-work on tags
-stream annihilation tonight
fun fact 2 andie, i had jack in a game called apocalypse how before i joined abraxas with him, and somebody played the prodigal son guy which is the same pb, and jack wrote a blog post about him and called him Hot Gollum the whole time
so now you know
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
jack → texting meme top-level for shits n gigs if anyone's feeling froggy
dean → geralt bc i think the npc thread is close enough to wrap for it
i doubt there will be any new revelations there
i think this is the longest we've ever gone between threads for them, wild
Absentee ballots came in. Make sure you vote, American friends.
it comes with a sticker?? heck yeah.
andie 🍳
2 days ago
andie 🍳
2 days ago
In full transparency I am not entirely convinced he’s the best PB for the character but I struggled to come up with one.
andie 🍳
2 days ago
In fact his canon description isss: He was handsome, in an expensive way. Everything about him looked more designed than natural, as if he’d been refined in a factory for creating lovely, forgettable men.... The only remarkable thing about him was the color of his eyes: a bright, ice-blue that would have seemed more ordinary on a sled dog.
honestly that pb seems to fit the description very well
went to clean out my dog run and there was a pair of copperheads breeding inside (8
cool cool cool
2 days ago
man I think so too...we can see if the event pings anything for us
yeyeye we are overdue
kushfksf what did you do about the snakes
lmao i crawled to my grandfather like a lil bitch baby and he handled them
if they were blacksnakes i'd have let them live their best lives, but copperheads are too dangerous to the dogs, so. they had 2 go.
it was pretty wild tho i opened the door and they were just Right There, i almost stepped on them.
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
i shut that shit immediately like it was a cartoon, just, "nope, bye."
yeah thats scary
my grandfather's a total badass tho he was just like "okie dokie i'll get my gun"
calm as u please, handled it in 2 seconds
amanda is our snake person in the house lmao, we don't rly have venomous ones here but I don't like handling live ones bc they release stink on you....
a couple of my closest friends here, they're a married couple, they breed and raise snakes and other reptiles. i like them, generally! they're cool, and very neat to handle if you know what you're doing and when it's safe to actually do so — which i do not lmao
andie 🍳
2 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
I think lots of snakes are very pretty, but if I walked in on two copperheads boinking I'd be like, Ah yes I see you are very much in love. Could I offer you this entire property for your new home? No no it's fine, I'll go pack right now.
listen don't get me wrong i'd be tempted too, but i am Dog Mom, i cannot allow 4 it
so i tattled on them 2 pepaw
andie 🍳
2 days ago
lmaoooo. Bless Pepaw. Just like, Well at least they'll meet death in a moment of... all that.
2 days ago
i would not know what to do with a wild snake ive never seen a live one in my life outside of zoos and harmless pet ones
honestly they're not really as nightmare fuel as they're made out to be, i think copperhead bites only kill like 5 people a year and it's mostly just very young or very old folks but
i've heard they hurt like a bitch
2 days ago
ooooh yeah makes sense, kind of like coyotes here, just something you don't want around your dogs or kids
yeye exactly
2 days ago
PeePaw is King
2 days ago
I really want to meet him!!!
2 days ago
Tell him I love him!!!
lol he'll be like "okay"
definitely habit lmfao
they're both just shruggy
We have no lethal snakes in Maine but I still hate looking at them. The slithering freaks me out. I like lizards though.
lizards are adorable
we have harmless snakes that live around my condo area, but I'm still like if you come anywhere near me I'm going to scream
(also yeeeeeah MISSIO)
22k views in 45 minutes... im so hype it's getting this kind of exposure
my brain immediately going to praying it inspires enough new book sales that the show gets locked in...
holy shit if wendigoon does it it's abt to get so many eyes on it sdkljg
also I feel you sometimes our yard would get garter snakes who are totally fine, then you'd be innocently weeding and surprise: a water moccasin
YEAH MAN it's already at 30k and it's only been an hour
fucking water moccasin jumpscares nO THANKS
i'd have to be like DAD IT'S SHOVEL TIME
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