[Achates] Tsubaki on Day 0 TDM
latest #16
very much later because i wanted to update my icons and also tls take me a while....
LunaHoshino & maybe Yamadori ??? I think your were in it??
if you guys want
joker ⍟
yes, I'm here! I just peeked at your tl and saw there's ew stuff... is that for regular ew or post-ew I still need to wrap some threads before I can take on more, but!!! I figured I should ask that first fsdjkfsdjk
Regular. It's just the picture mostly and talk of Garlemald slightly
Mostly about the fact it's a train lol
She's taken from end of ew patches but lmk where you are and I'll be happy to avoid spoilers
Yesss I shall fling a boy in a bit!
joker ⍟
I'm gonna start the patches soon-ish so I can wait to tag her for a lil bit! I should be able to take on some more threads by then so that'll work
There you go
Hurray!! I'll answer once I'm done streaming
okay cool ill answer these now
Yamadori Okay cool! That gives me an idea of what to talk about then. The references in the post are base EW so you wouldn't be spoiled on anything in there
joker ⍟
11 hours ago
oh yay, that works then!! I'll give it a read and hit her up when I can
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