[PokeGo] dude. duuuude. https://images.plurk.com/4PMjiHH4aUBkzN97QQxixq.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5dFXN8iMbFe0uTpV4NpgLq.jpg
latest #9
I caught the inkay yesterday afternoon, and purble pumpkiboo right now.
won't be evolving either of them because the evolved shinies aren't as cute.
Shiny pumpkaboo is top tier
Is purble, my favorite colo
I actually got a Shiny Costume Pumpkaboo last year. The hat and bowtie SOMEHOW make Gourgeist adorablew.
But yes, Pumpkaboo shiny is amazing.
I literally gasped when it popped up
Fandom Fuckboy
20 hours ago
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