3 weeks ago
[Winnie the Pooh] I am so happy Winnie the Pooh is public domain now.
latest #14
3 weeks ago
Look at these adorable designs
3 weeks ago
I have no idea if it's any GOOD
3 weeks ago
Well, I mean, ok, they're not the most imaginative
3 weeks ago
but it's nice to see design work that ISN'T straight up disney, is all I'm saying
3 weeks ago
And those horror movies are dope
3 weeks ago
(I kid, the very idea of them disgusts me lol)
3 weeks ago
spazztichero - Childhood things can be spooky! but cheap slasher cash in bullshit is just never good. (Why would you make Pooh a generic slasher villain, come on, that's so boring and pathetic)
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I’ve always LOVED horror, but what i love is the spooky, chilling kind. I despise torture porn and don’t really go in for slasher shit
3 weeks ago
I adore Stephen King and hate Saw
3 weeks ago
Right along when Saw was at its peak, a movie based on a King work i liked came out, 1408, and it passed mostly under the radar of many but i loved it for being refreshingly spooky instead of jump scare slasher body horror torture stuff. Because you’re so right, it’s boring and pathetic. It’s taking the lazy path to scaring someone
3 weeks ago
I’d love to see someone draw out the spooky potential of Pooh
3 weeks ago
Yeah! There's plenty of shivery kid spookiness in Pooh, so there must be good routes to exploring that for adults too! Something rooted in the specificity of the story and characters instead of just "childhood icon is actually gory murderer".

(I am glad 1408 was a good time for you!) (King has so many varied ins to horror, though I haven't read much of his)
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