colorful bunch
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
[irl][medical stuff] ugh. I want to tag more and write more stuff but my brain has been full of distraction cuz brother has been sick for weeks with We Don't Know What
latest #26
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
today has been a little better but then also things just keep. changing? he feels better but then his fever keeps being in flux and his symptoms keep spontaneously like. happening.
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
hopefully we'll find out more this weekend but it's been very /SCRUBS FACE
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
and we have been masking ever since he started feeling sick when we're in shared spaces but we're finally at a point where we're pretty sure I'm not gonna catch whatever the fuck it is. like we're still gonna mask but we're hugging and boy did I miss hugging and physical contact
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
hhhhhhh I wanted to get out of the house a little and hang with bff who's up for the weekend and I just got a call that he's taking himself to the ER bc his doc suggested that was a good idea with the new symptoms from today
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
and like honestly he was probably going to take himself anyway but it's very. hhhh. it's distracting, understandably
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
(it's also been raining all week and I am so fucking sick of it and it makes me very depressed honestly)
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
he's been triaged and had blood drawn but he hasn't been given a room yet
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
okay he's being admitted. the liver madness and thus the general illness has apparently been mono this whole time. soooo I am not worried about masking anymore at home on that front.
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
but they did find stuff that was concerning about one of his new symptoms that seems to probably be unrelated and just uh worth admitting him
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Oof that's so scary though. I'm glad they figured out the main illness at least
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
he's been waiting on a consult all morning. it always sucks how slow these things move but welcome to the professional healthcare industry
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
I do just kinda wanna collapse in some misery but lolll let's have a normal reaction instead self. I asked if he needed anything from home and he doesn't. I don't think it's worth visiting him before he has his consult since we don't...know when that'll be and we don't know what's going on with him in that respect and stuff but
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
we'll see what he says once things Happen, then might coordinate with mom about visiting idk
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
he's staying until at least sometime monday bc that's the earliest they can get an exploratory procedure done, bc it's either that or go home and then get an outpatient at the specific place (which we know doesn't have any openings until november)
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
mom's been in to see him. I'm gonna see him tomorrow with a change of clothes and some books lol
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
his numbers are getting slightly better
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
he caught me in the middle of a fit of cleaning; trash doesn't need to go out until tomorrow night but the kitchen trash was getting full and also might as well take his trash out and then let's clorox wipe and lysol spray a bunch of stuff-!
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
in me news, a kitty cat lounging in my lap got startled off my lap and now I have some bandaids in some awkward places from the bleeding left behind lol. hit all the spots with alcohol so I should be fine but I'll keep an eye out in case of infection whee
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
bro is home. we're kind of on and off masking; it's not really a big deal now that we know what it is. he's mostly just to rest until he's better. he's not supposed to have nsaids for. a while lol. apparently he'd taken too many that irritated the fuck out of his gi and that's why he'd had some very alarming symptoms
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
he's gonna have follow ups galore but the docs were confident he's on the mend and nothing further than mono is wrong with him. it's just gotta get the rest of the way out of his system
colorful bunch
3 weeks ago
it's a relief, and it's been very nice hearing him watching youtube in his room this evening instead of trying to fill the silence lol
face craving
2 weeks ago
so glad he's out and doing better, mono is rough
emperor zombie
2 weeks ago
I am sending you both hugs and soup.
colorful bunch
2 weeks ago
There is def soup given from bff's mom
colorful bunch
2 weeks ago
But I will always take more soup
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