Spinning off of another Plurk, I have encountered something worse than the “you can run anything in D&D” crowd and it was the “you can fit anything into Exalted” crowd that used to exist.
I remember once someone in the old bad days being like “why run Cyberpunk you can just set the game in Nexus and have the megacorps being Guild factions and introduce artifacts for the cyberware and boom now it’s better.”
And 2e which had this design ethos of being intentionally very disparate and kind of whatever you want as long as it's not immediately western fantasy encouraged that.
Like, taking stuff and going "I wonder if I could make an Exalted AU from this" was fun, but that's the fun of mashing stuff together to see what you make, not because it's inherently an easy fit.
And then infernals came out and I had one of the writers like, come wading into a corner of the fanbase to pick fights with people who didn't like it and get even madder that we called him unprofessional for it.
(If you ever stumble across this hi Morke you weird fucking sexpest who creeped on my partner, you've always been an asshole and the line's better for your absence.)