haunted hoeween
3 weeks ago
I’ve never even seen the joker movie, but seeing how joker 2 is making Korean men mad enough to threaten to piss their own beds I have to watch the sequel 😐
latest #21
3 weeks ago
ah?!?! i had no intention of watching it just bc of franchise fatigue, but ig i'll consider it
haunted hoeween
3 weeks ago
Like I get that the incel protest is pretty yikes in general, but I’m just like “... you’re protesting by sitting in seating reserved for pregnant women, and then you’re going to... go home... and piss in.... your own bed...”
haunted hoeween
3 weeks ago
Like unless you have an unfortunate wife at home or still live with your mom the only person you’re punishing is yourself???
3 weeks ago
yeah like how old are you and how did you as a five year old get into the theatre
haunted hoeween
3 weeks ago
ilium honestly, same. I don’t watch a whole lot of the mcu stuff because there’s just too much. And I’m pretty selective over the dc adaptations so I didn’t even think about watching joker 2 but this is is worth the effort to pirate
I had negative interest in the first one and Lady Gaga still isn't enough to make me sit through the second. I will anticipate reports on why the fuck Korean men are being whiny babies though.
3 weeks ago
Definitely want to know what's making KR men annoyed and how to piss them off more tbh even though I have no interest in the movies.
3 weeks ago
Considering some of the shit Korean incels have gotten up in arms over, I expect the actual cause to be... fairly benign. I am... morbidly curious though why that was the reaction though...
fro m what I aware, misogyny is like super serious in Korea rn, so now I'm really wondering what's going on in the second joker movie
oh yeah, there's been some Shit going down in Korea
you hear about it a lot because of fanservicey mobile games and incels shitting themselves every time they're not pandered to enough with them
artists in those companies lose their jobs for being suspected of being feminist
people with even slightly feminist views get blamed when a waifu isn't sexualized enough for them, even if they had nothing to do with the design
so I'm sure Lady Gaga... /checks notes/... existing in a Joker sequel will do something offensive to them
haunted hoeween
2 weeks ago
Good news everyone, charlie gave us a video talking about the movie and I understand without having to suffer through this
haunted hoeween
2 weeks ago
Anyway, I know I won’t like it since it sounds like they tried to just shoehorn a musical in it (unsurprising). I’m sorry, I’m no fun I find a lot of musicals just very not my cup of tea. Some are entertaining and it’s usually the ones that are more rock opera heavy
haunted hoeween
2 weeks ago
But yeah, in the end they really should’ve just made a harlequin origin movie incorporating the universe of the joker movie if that’s what they really wanted. I feel like it would’ve had a better chance of having a less chaotic storyline idk idk
haunted hoeween
2 weeks ago
I honestly feel like the greatest injustice with a lot of comic book movie adaptations is the intent to feature villains as a one off as opposed to having them as a constant annoyance like they are in other forms of media
haunted hoeween
2 weeks ago
Like idk what to tell you, a lot of the times the villains are the most entertaining part of these series 🤷‍♀️ they’re what makes the protagonists more interesting
it's an unfortunate reality of the medium that they have to be big expensive productions with some degree of self-containment to the story
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