3 weeks ago
Got me a slush and some tater tots while I wait for my work meeting
I had to come into town early to bring my brother to dance, but now I have an hour to kill, and it's so far a very tasty hour
3 weeks ago
I haven't had a lemonade slush in years, and it's very good
3 weeks ago
Also someone be proud of me for branching out and getting a different flavor than I usually do
I'm kidding you don't have ti be proud of me for something silly like this, but this is minor character growth for me
3 weeks ago
Guys there's a French fry in my tots :0
3 weeks ago
The tots could've used to be 3 times as hot
Like temperature wise
Which is a common problem with sonic tots, I should really stop getting them, but when they're good, they're really really good
3 weeks ago
I'm bored, if you can't tell, by my spamming of this post's comments