3 weeks ago
There was this random Monty Python & The Holy Grail PC game. It had a TON of hidden easter egg stuff. If you're familiar with the Black Knight, in the game if you happen to click to go inside his tent, there's a tiny diary. It's just pages and pages of "Day one. Depressed. Practiced killing people. Felt better" til it details what happens in the film.
latest #7
3 weeks ago
Oh shit. It's on YouTube.Monty Python - the Black Knight's Diary
3 weeks ago
This is all a very long winded way to say my days have been feeling down. But do enjoy the Black Knight's diary video above.
Autobot Abubot
3 weeks ago
Autobot Abubot
3 weeks ago
Hope you find some good today, man.
3 weeks ago
Tito Pete
3 weeks ago

Here’s to small comforts. Hope you feel better soon, mate.
3 weeks ago
Thank you, all
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