2 months ago
I just need SL to work... please... I'm beggin... I can't get the main or firestorm viewers to work on the main OR beta grids. I've cleared my caches, restarted my computer... argh.
latest #14
2 months ago
2 months ago
is it just hanging on the connection to region forever?
2 months ago
Allegory: No, usually it lets me in but it's not letting me successfully upload anything, my animations get stuck, clicking on scripted objects is unresponsive 3/4 of the time
2 months ago
I just restarted my router and we'll see how that goes
2 months ago
i've found alchemy viewer to be way more stable/less laggy since PBR. they've been working on the others (and i haven't tried the latest official), but white firestorm's gotten more usable than it was, alchemy is still better for me.
2 months ago
you might see if you're having the same issues on another region too. it could be that side if you haven't tried another.
2 months ago
Allegory: tried this, didn't work
2 months ago
Allegory: I tried different regions between main server and beta and both were the same level of bad
2 months ago
I'm appreciating the help, don't mistake me
2 months ago
booo. it's obnoxious, but you might want to uninstall all viewers and reinstall one. sometimes viewers go....bad, and cause issues. but maybe hit upSpeedtest by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Testfirst and see how your internets are treating you at this point too, in case it's a slow connection.
2 months ago
(when the official viewer went bad for me, it was eventually really...dramatic, as textures would explode into rainbows and crash. but it was rough for a while before it got to that point)
2 months ago
There was a lot of crazy stuff happening a few years ago with broken AMD graphics drivers. All pink and shit.
2 months ago had to do this stuff with my firewall
2 months ago
Airedine: ahhhh super annoying! but at least you found it!
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