1 weeks ago
I think I’m just done with Deep Rock for now, but also that it would be super fun to show someone else The Ropes
latest #11
1 weeks ago
There’s six seasons of content to dig through but it’s also a game with procedurally generated levels
1 weeks ago
So there’s just an enormous list of Weird Shit that can appear on any mission
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
That you could play for like fifty hours and still occasionally enter a cave and say “the fuck is that?
1 weeks ago
“That’s a rock pox infector. We need to call in special gear for this. Also watch your feet, they poison the ground.”
1 weeks ago
“That’s a rival server cluster. We need to do a hacking mini-game to shut it down before it self destructs”
1 weeks ago
“That’s an OMEN mining defense turret. It’ll fuck you up if you mess with it without a plan”
1 weeks ago
“That’s an Error Cube. We don’t know what it does.”
1 weeks ago
The game is good I just have played it for like a thousand hours
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
I need to play it more tbh, need people to play with
1 weeks ago
Well hmu if you need an extra dwarf some time
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
will do
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